Correlation Between Balding And Becoming An Alcoholic?


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what do you guys think?

most alcoholics are miserable in many factors.

balding and bald men are miserable.

i think there seems to be a strong link here between the idea that balding and bald men are alcoholics.


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Not all bald/balding men are miserable. Not all people who are bald/balding drink alcohol. I wouldn't even trust a study that tried to correlate alcoholism with balding.
Hmmm,’I dunno fren...

Look into it a bit further than the first onion peel.


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Definitely a contributing factor to many alcoholics imo


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Most men start drinking due to balding pill. Alcohol can't be good for hair health either.


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Being alcoholic may make you bald but its effects vary from person to person. But as you are relating being alcoholic and bald as both are miserable, well that is not a universal truth. Being bald is not miserable for all individuals. Baldness is a health condition which can be cured with proper treatment.


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Lot's of miserable people exist in this world with a plethora of reasons for feeling miserable; upbringing, crappy family situations, poor health, clinical depression, their favorite football team didn't make the playoffs, and just being miserable for no reason whatsoever.

Lot's of alcoholics/addicts exist in this world; some blame it on a plethora of reasons and others had a great upbringing with no extreme unpleasant things happening in their lives. There is a proven link to genetics and many believe it is actually a disease itself.

Many people who eat Chicken really enjoy it

Most balding men really enjoy eating food

Therefor most balding men enjoy eating Chicken, correct?

Mandar kumthekar

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I would drink occasionally when I had full nw0 hairs . now I am sober for 4 years and here I am nw2.5. I don't think there is any correlation. Both are completely different thinks and don't affect each other.


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I have some good input here. I’m 22 and have been an alcoholic for a few years (I’ve average 6 beers a day) but a lot of the times it’s more. I’ve been drinking A LOT more since I found out I was balding and definitely had a lot to do with the balding.

What I’m curious about is the link between being an alcoholic and then losing your hair quicker/earlier


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My grandpa used to drink a lot, but he still has thick hair. So, I don't think that there's a direct link between alcohol use and hair loss. I suppose it affects your whole body, and once you don't eat properly, you're more prone to severe consequences. My grandpa was drinking too much, and he developed many health issues, including thyroid dysfunction. It's way more serious than baldness. He started a natural alcohol detox for boosting withdrawal, and he's fine now. Still, you better avoid drinking large quantities of alcohol. You know, health is wealth.
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I think this depends on each individual when your young you naturally feel depressed losing hair. When your older I think most people in general care less, so dependent on each individual...