

Established Member
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Do you guys think their is a correlation with balding non hairy body guys and gyno who are on finasteride? For what i remember most of the guys getting gyno seemed to have no body hair. What do you guys think? Is there anyone one out there has a good amount of body hair and gyno? Maybe this has been already talked about, but I don't come to this site much as of late.


Interesting, but I don't know of any data suggesting that. The only person that i know of that recently started showing signs of gyno was BadHairDecade. How is your situation anyways BHD? And if I remember correctly he is one of those guys that has difficulty growing a full goatee.

The Gardener

Senior Member
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DWBLM, your observation is not surprising.

Body hair growth ABOVE the neck is generally influenced by DHT.

Body hair growth BELOW the neck is generally influenced by testosterone.

You do the math. Not saying there is a correlation, but I am saying that there is a basis to what you are saying.