Cosidering hair transplant. How ugly does this look?


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Almost looks like you tried to cut your hair your self and lost :woot:

Its hard to say since your hair looks dry and thick so cant see how bad your hair loss really is, perhaps a nice hair cut seems in order!

Perhaps more pix with your hair pushed on the sides/back will reveal how bad it is.


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You seem to post these pics regularly then delete them a couple of days later.

I'm no expert on hair transplants. I only know what I've read here. I'm in the UK too and trying to suss out the possibilities for later on.

Seems like a transplant would work well for you because your remaining hair is thick and you could get back a pretty good hairline. That's as long as you go to a top surgeon.

You also need to get on Finasteride to maintain the hair you have.

And be aware that getting a hair transplant early may mean you need another later in life, so you want to be conservative with your donor hair. It's risky.

Just don't be stupid and rush to a UK clinic where they may butcher you. I think before you were talking about Harley Street. Be very wary, they don't have a great rep and there's no guarantees you're going to get the same surgeon these celebs are getting.


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If you're talking to me, I came to that conclusion for a few reasons. First, the hair line looks unnatural, it is very high, but the rest of the hair is very dense. Usually someone who has such a high hair line is not going to have such good density on top. Second, because a receding hair line is generally higher in the corners than in the middle. That hair line doesn't seem to follow that pattern which is rare. Third, because I saw you're bald picture and I remember thinking that the shadow on your head doesn't mimic your hair loss pattern. Finally, because you asked, "how ugly doe s this look?" People don't refer to their hair as "this," That being said, it looks pretty natural. I would bring it down lower, I don't see the point in wearing a wig if you're still going to look like you're balding.