Cosmetic surgery (chin implant) vs. Hair transplant


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What is your opinion on the tradeoffs of cosmetic surgery (I'm considering getting a chin implant) vs. a hair transplant. I'm currently a Norwood 3. I also have a recessive chin, which makes for a bad combo. Balding plus a weak jawline isn't a great look. Obviously I don't have boyish good looks bc of the hair, and I can't pull off the shaved look bc my face isn't symmetrical/masculine enough for it. Here are the pros and cons as I see them.

PRO (cosmetic surgery):
Cheaper ($4k all inclusive)
Provides facial symmetry (might look ok with shaved head)
Stronger jawline/More masculine look
Undetectable but makes a significant difference (though not as much as a hair transplant)
Convenient (reputable local surgeon, academically affiliated)

CON (cosmetic surgery):
Risk of displacement/infection (<2%)
Risk of temporary numbness (<5%)

PRO (hair transplant):
Structurally resilient (no permanent internal implants)
Hair may make a bigger difference in my appearance than the chin implant (a strong hairline frames the face and covers any facial asymmetries).
Makes larger difference in appearance

CON (hair transplant):
Cost ($15k+)
May require maintenance down the line if my hair continues to recede at the current rate.

What do you think? I'd appreciate your feedback. I can send or post pics via PM if you're interested. Thanks


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Personally, I'd go for the hair transplant - though it seems to me there is a much larger risk of a hair transplant turning out disappointingly than a chin-implant going wrong.

Hair just alters your overall look greater than the chin does, IMO.
I might be biased as I've always considered Chin Implants to be a bit strange - a bit Michael Jackson.


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I had a chin implant 10 years ago. I love the results; though I have slight nerve damage on the inside of my mouth and I wish I had chosen a larger implant. Depending on the shape of your face, you might consider angled mandible implants too. Adding both can make for an amazing jawline.

You may want to try having Radiesse injected into your jawline and chin. Radiesse is a fairly long lasting dermal filler. It has been around for awhile and has a great reputation for very little side effects. You'll need to find an experienced injector (In the cosmetic surgery industry, "injectors" are frequently nurses. The doctor is only around for the initial consultation; if at all.)

As for the transplant, investigate the doctor performing the work and also the staff that will be assisting. Like the injector, they frequently do the majority of the work.