Cost of a great Hair Transpant?


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If you want your entire hair back. Such as thick and not fine and people would never guess.

15-20k? of course this may depend on your balding

I am 20 and am thinking about getting one - when I start making more money and I could easily afford that with my job so I wouldnt have to take out a loan and have hair but be in debt. I plan on doing it when I am say.. 24-25.

I take finasteride, Rogaine Foam and I have seen some results. I have been on finasteride for over a year and I just started rogaine last month and my hair is growing faster and regrowing on the temples. I can see peach fuzz.

Want to get this onlock and the sooner the better but I don't want to f*** up my hair line for the rest of the line so I need top quality.


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IMO, you're too young for a hair transplant, stay on the meds and see what they can do for you.


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I guess it depends on the surgeon and where you get it done. I would imagine that world renowned surgeons can charge top dollar, because they can.


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northnorth said:
If you want your entire hair back. Such as thick and not fine and people would never guess.

15-20k? of course this may depend on your balding

I am 20 and am thinking about getting one - when I start making more money and I could easily afford that with my job so I wouldnt have to take out a loan and have hair but be in debt. I plan on doing it when I am say.. 24-25.

I take finasteride, Rogaine Foam and I have seen some results. I have been on finasteride for over a year and I just started rogaine last month and my hair is growing faster and regrowing on the temples. I can see peach fuzz.

Want to get this onlock and the sooner the better but I don't want to f*ck up my hair line for the rest of the line so I need top quality.

25 is still very young for a hair transplant unless you are using maybe 1500 grafts TOPS, have stable hair loss and can take Propecia without any issues

Feller, H+w, Ron Shapiro...................consult all 3 before making a decision. Don't let location be a factor in where you get you hair transplant done as you will travel the world ( most likely to one of the 3 Dr's I mentioned) to get a bad hair transplant fixed

Shapiro is about $4.50 graft for the first 2k grafts for strip and $6-7 for FUE


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finfighter said:
A quality hair transplant can range anywhere from 10,000-150,000 depending on various factors like which hair transplant method you use (FUE or strip) and how many grafts you require. To go for a seemless norwood one you may require allot I'm not sure...

NO respectable hair transplant surgeon would ever do a NW1 hairline, I'm not sure where you got your prices from as I have never heard of a 150K hair transplant even over a lifetime unless is was a crazy repair case

You can quality FUE from Shapiro or Cole for $6 a graft so even if you had 10K donor it would "only" be $60,000

On the flipside you could get 1500 strip which is a pretty good sized hair transplant for $6,000 from Shapiro.


Senior Member
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Theres no amount of money that can garauntee a good result. Results depend highly on the individuals characteristics and their degree of hairloss.


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why cant there be a goddamn pill that will make your hair grow back?

i miss stylin my hair, don;t want to spend thousands upon thousands on this sh*t.. business one o' motherfucking one supply and demand. rape you senseless instead of find a cure. it makes perfect since in all aspects because of the amount of money drug companys make along with hair transplants.. if one pill came on that market and grew your entire head of hair back.. there would be such a dramatic decrease in hair thinning products. scams alone make over $1,000,000,000 a year.. i can't imagine how much propecia and rogaine make. fuckers make billions by giving people false hopes until they read about it and realize its bullshit but continue to do it because it stops hair loss / regrows a few. you know how many people would jump on that pill? billions. how much money you could make? too much to do with before it was taken down by the fda



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Why cant there be a pill for cancer, Aids or the common cold?
There will be long before a pill for baldness comes along.