Could a multivitamin make things worse?


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In 2013 this article was posted by a bunch of high-profile doctors. No doubt, there are as many doctors who discourage the use of a multivitamin as there are who do. Those opposed to multivitamins call it 'a waste of money at best, a danger for your health at worst'. I was wondering whether multivitamins may actually make our hair loss worse in some cases. We all know that DHT is the main culprit, yet it's testosterone that makes the DHT. Some even claim that T on its own can wreak havoc on your hair. Now, it's a proven fact that - among others - Vitamin D and Zinc increase T.

It's very often the thoughtless advice of many self-proclaimed hair loss guru to pop a daily multivitamin for 'general health' and 'nutrition gaps', but next to the question whether we need them, I was wondering if they might even harm our hair?

[In before: No, I'm absolutely certain that multivitamins do not cause hair loss. The question is merely whether a daily multivitamin may have an overlooked impact on the hormone balance of those who are genetically predisposed to go bald.]


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Interesting thread. I take multivitamin. In my case, I have not noticed hairloss due to vitamins if that helps. But maybe they can make things worse, particularly if take overdosis. It also probably has to do with the kind of vitamins you use, hasn´t it?


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There are plenty of Multivitamin formulas on the market if you take one that is no more than 100% daily requirement it is fine nothing wrong will happen. Those formulas made for athlete are not as they overdose and the effect can be undesirable.


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I take vitamin D. It is believed to participate in hair cycle, but as Koga said it could also boost testosterone levels and hence DHT ones. I couldn´t find on Pubmed good articles about vitamins and hair treatment. Some dermatologists recommend vitamins and some not ( But there is lack of information about it. I think best doctors don´t recommend supplements.

I have to say that I take vitamin D and Zinc because I have low testosterone, if it was normal I wouldn´t. It seems that if you are healthy the less pills you take the better. The last studies point out that supplementation is effectiveless and risks are unknown.


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I don´t know... it seems to be effective but the study is only on self-perceived thinning women.

The product for men is this:
It is mainly Zinc and vitamin C and it is very expensive. I don´t know what they are the rest of ingredients: Marine complex, horsetail extract and flax seed extract.
I wouldn´t buy it. What do you think?


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Vitamins are good for overall body health even if you eat very healthy food it is impossible to get exactly 100% of body requirement for all vitamins, I have started recently vitamin complex that have 100% daily vitamin requirements plus biotin supplement. I see positive body response lots of energy which is a little bit too much for my life style including increased appetite and libido according to my girlfriend.
As for the hair vitamins will increase the growth of hair but will not create new follicles on bald area. In my case I started taking them since I notice reduction in stemoxydine effect after first month.
One week later the effect of stmoxydine returned to his initial state.


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Yes, for men without Androgenetic Alopecia but hairloss or thinning due to other nutritional, medical or psycological reason could help a bit. What is the name of your vitamin complex?


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It seems to have lots of minerals and vitamins if not all :laugh:
What is your situation? report if it works for your hair in the next months


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Well I'm not in a hurry as my hair loss was 7-8 years ago when I had to deal with lots of stress now I'm NW3V front and NW4 on the crown but it slowly recovers few new terminals each week since I started stemoxdine. The recovery is slow but I'm a patient man and I have enough time.


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In case your taking a basic multivitamin, there's no compelling reason to fear to take excessively," says Andrew Shao, PhD, senior VP of relevant and administrative issues for the Council for Responsible Nutrition, an exchange bunch for the multivitamins For Women over 50 the great ideas visit this site. sheispicky(Dot)com