Could I be a bad responder to Proscar?


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I was just wondering. I have been shedding for a pretty long time, and my hair is thinner now. I can't really tell wether or not, my male pattern baldness has stopped. I think it has... but...

if I have been taking proscar for 13 months, and my hair is thinner now, than it was when I began... does that mean that I'm a bad responder to proscar...

what does it actually mean to be a bad responder, how long do you have to be on the stuff to confirm... ?

Bone Daddy

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It probably means your not responding, not that your responding in a "bad way".

But if your shedding has been alot worse since taking the pill, and it's stayed consistant, then it's possible.


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thomas040 said:
I was just wondering. I have been shedding for a pretty long time, and my hair is thinner now. I can't really tell wether or not, my male pattern baldness has stopped. I think it has... but...

if I have been taking proscar for 13 months, and my hair is thinner now, than it was when I began... does that mean that I'm a bad responder to proscar...

what does it actually mean to be a bad responder, how long do you have to be on the stuff to confirm... ?

I now feel like Im heading in that same direction....

I guess only time will tell, anyone care to advise.



im startin to wonder to , i m in month 7 now and am only getting progressively worse. Not to be a bummer, but i was hopin by now things would start improvin. I still got months 8-12 though


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I've been on finasteride for 9 months now, and shed like CRAZY for the first 7 months.

Just recently, my shedding has subsided. Seriously, I shampoo, and instead of having 10-15 hairs on my fingers like I used to, there may be one, if any.

My hair is pretty thin at this point though... Not good at all.

I just keep thinking-- if my hair worsened with all this shedding taking place, shouldn't I be on my way to at LEAST maintenance now that the shedding has stopped...?

Only time will tell.


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Assuming you do not have any scalp irritation and assuming you are using Nizoral shampoo once every 3 days, if your hair has not stopped falling out by the 12th month Merck says you are not a responder to Propecia. Then again that is taking 1mg daily, not 5mg quartered at 1.25mg daily custom dose.

It would also be helpful if you had some photos from 12 months ago to compare to current because 90% of hair loss sufferers *think* they've lost hair more when in fact they have not at all. Those that have baseline photos many times realize that their hair looks exactly the same as it did at the outset. Its a common situation.


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I have had an enourmes amount of scalp irritation during the first 6-8 months I guess... only recently I started to use nizoral... has that late action taken a toll on my progression.... so now I'm like only on month 6 in reality?

does it mean anything that my head have been itchey at the same spot, as I am loosing hair in, and that I only took measures to fix the problem recently...????

any advice... please...:)


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0 I hope that statement by Merck--about not being a responder if you haven't stopped seeing fallout by month 12--is not universal. If I remember right, Axon, who considers himself a maintainer, says his fallout rate *never* abated, yet he hasn't gotten worse.

I'm at month 7 and I *think* my top is the same, but my right temple is worse. I should have taken pictures, dammit.