Could this be contributing to my baldness?



I'm 19 years of age and have suffered from rather mild to sometimes bad - never agressive, acne since I've been 15.

For the past 4years my doctor has been prescribing me an anti-biotic called MINOCIN 100mg (It may be called something else in the USA & UK?). I take a 100mg MINOCIN tablet nightly. Looking back at it my hairloss started when I was 16 and has only become quite bad in the past 14months. It has made me think that I've had a constant supply of Minocin floating about my body for the past 4 and 1/2 years and maybe this has had spurned my hairloss? As my brother who is 6years older than me has little to no hairloss and he never took any medication for his acne, we are practically identical in every sense so I find it hard to accept that he should escape losing his hair much later than me. I mentioned it to my doctor and he more or less said that wasn't the case but tbh sometimes he finds it hard to distinguish his arse from his toe. So could this vast amount of anti-biotics that I've been taking for near 5years be causing my hairloss?

Btw i have tried stop taking it for a few weeks to see if there was any change but then my acne gets worse but the moment the MINOCIN keeps it under control. So I need to take it so I'm not spotty, bald and depressed at 19.

Green Soap

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"spurned my hairloss"

You mean "spurred"?

To "spurn" is to refuse or turn away from.

Dictionary > you.