Could This Be The “existing Drug” Follica Has Been Considering


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Quite a few people have been speculating that Follica plans on using Minoxidil to assist with its wound induced neogenesis. What if the existing drug was actually tazarotene or some other similar retinoic acid.

“Thus, repurposing of Tazarotene could be explored for treatment of pathological conditions where circulatory insufficiency is a significant factor for instance in delayed wound healing.”

This is literally the last sentence of the discussion section.


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Quite a few people have been speculating that Follica plans on using Minoxidil to assist with its wound induced neogenesis. What if the existing drug was actually tazarotene or some other similar retinoic acid.

“Thus, repurposing of Tazarotene could be explored for treatment of pathological conditions where circulatory insufficiency is a significant factor for instance in delayed wound healing.”

This is literally the last sentence of the discussion section.


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Quite a few people have been speculating that Follica plans on using Minoxidil to assist with its wound induced neogenesis. What if the existing drug was actually tazarotene or some other similar retinoic acid.

“Thus, repurposing of Tazarotene could be explored for treatment of pathological conditions where circulatory insufficiency is a significant factor for instance in delayed wound healing.”

This is literally the last sentence of the discussion section.[/QUOTE
Interesting research!po=76.7974

Quite a few people have been speculating that Follica plans on using Minoxidil to assist with its wound induced neogenesis. What if the existing drug was actually tazarotene or some other similar retinoic acid.

“Thus, repurposing of Tazarotene could be explored for treatment of pathological conditions where circulatory insufficiency is a significant factor for instance in delayed wound healing.”

This is literally the last sentence of the discussion section.
Good find. I have some of this. My Dermatologist gave me a handful of sample tubes. It would be easy to get a prescription for it if you have a Dermatologist. Might have to give this a try.


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The existing drug is a drug called “delusion.” Follica has a lifetime supply for everyone.

Please, this is not a constructive addition to the discussion. Follica owes nothing to anyone. Nevertheless, they're as incentivised to get their product to work as you are for it to work also. So please stop with the irrational negativity.

Startups often fail. That has always been the true. Failing doesn't mean they were bad people, or that they had bad practices, or that they had bad technology. Business involves risk and there are many time-sensitive factors involved. Please understand this. It's always going to be a gamble but at the end of the day we are all on the same team - giving our best to end baldness for everyone.

Please understand that microneedling has great potential as demonstrated in many studies, and that trying to develop a microneedling-based technology to treat hair loss is a fantastic idea. Many users on this forum alone (@Somebody Alex etc) have gotten great results with needling and the big 3. Follica is trying to optimize needling and add some interesting medication to really boost follicle neogenesis and growth. It makes sense's a good try. Just let them give it their best shot and don't be so mean. I'm sure they are trying hard to get their idea to work!
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Please, this is not a constructive addition to the discussion. Follica owes nothing to anyone. Nevertheless, they're as incentivised to get their product to work as you are for it to work also. So please stop with the irrational negativity.

Startups often fail. That has always been the true. Failing doesn't mean they were bad people, or that they had bad practices, or that they had bad technology. Business involves risk and there are many time-sensitive factors involved. Please understand this. It's always going to be a gamble but at the end of the day we are all on the same team - giving our best to end baldness for everyone.

Please understand that microneedling has great potential as demonstrated in many studies, and that trying to develop a microneedling-based technology to treat hair loss is a fantastic idea. Many users on this forum alone (@Somebody Alex etc) have gotten great results with needling and the big 3. Follica is trying to optimize needling and add some interesting medication to really boost follicle neogenesis and growth. It makes sense's a good try. Just let them give it their best shot and don't be so mean. I'm sure they are trying hard to get their idea to work!

There are bad actors in the world. People can have nefarious motivations. A hair loss “cure” being floated around by someone who is trying to scam sufferers is an old story indeed.

It’s desperation that makes users here try to infuse Follica’s fumbling and bumbling into something substantive.

In the notorious NBC “miracle cure” interview they gave with Matt Lauer and the lady journalist - it was estimated the treatment would be out in a couple of years. And this was like fifteen years ago. Yes we live in an imperfect world and things don’t go as planned. But guess what? If your debtor keeps telling you the “check is in the mail” over and over...and a certain point you take off the rose colored glasses.

Wounding is wounding is wounding. Putting smoke machines and bubbles and f*****g apps (lol) around it does not suddenly transform it into something it’s not.

Also Somebody Alex is a scam artist as well. He’s currently advertising “regrowth sessions” with him that he charges an arm and a leg for. Total nonsense.

But hey we still have that one janky Indian study from ten years ago! Score!
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There are bad actors in the world. People can have nefarious motivations. A hair loss “cure” being floated around by someone who is trying to scam sufferers is an old story indeed.

It’s desperation that makes users here try to infuse Follica’s fumbling and bumbling into something substantive.

In the notorious NBC “miracle cure” interview they gave with Matt Lauer and the lady journalist - it was estimated the treatment would be out in a couple of years. And this was like fifteen years ago. Yes we live in an imperfect world and things don’t go as planned. But guess what? If your debtor keeps telling you the “check is in the mail” over and over...and a certain point you take off the rose colored glasses.

Wounding is wounding is wounding. Putting smoke machines and bubbles and f*****g apps (lol) around it does not suddenly transform it into something it’s not.

Also Somebody Alex is a scam artist as well. He’s currently advertising “regrowth sessions” with him that he charges an arm and a leg for. Total nonsense.

But hey we still have that one janky Indian study from ten years ago! Score!
I really have no idea what you are talking about, friend. Hard to say Follica is a bad actor when they are focusing on gathering IP, running trials and developing a product, as opposed to mercilessly marketing some random lotion. You just have to wait. Why don't you assume Follica won't help your situation? Sounds like even if they came out with a product, it might be too late for you. Is this the core of your frustration? Understand that many others are in the same situation, stuck with only the big 3. We just have to deal with it ;I don't know what else there is to do. You can sh*t on Follica if you want to believe they are bad actors but 1) You aren't being rational and most importantly, 2) It makes no difference anyway. So why not just forget about hair loss companies for a while? Too much time here will f*** you up, I'm sure you know.
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It’s desperation that makes users here try to infuse Follica’s fumbling and bumbling into something substantive.

Wounding is known to be capable of creating all new follicles. Dermatologists have observed it for years.

There have been very few cases of of visible regrowth (outside of the known treatments), but they often seem to be related to wounding.

Follica has reported to see regrowth/thickening that is as good as any other treatment we have. We don't really know how compoundable their treatment is but it might be very much so.

This is the new research section of the forum. If you've got a better/closer idea than Follica, I'm listening.


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Good find. I have some of this. My Dermatologist gave me a handful of sample tubes. It would be easy to get a prescription for it if you have a Dermatologist. Might have to give this a try.

I’ll be trying out lactoferrin, so I might have to give this a miss. However, if you want to test this out, then I suggest needling a square inch of an area and applying the lotion.