Couldn't help myself, here goes nothing.


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I'm still sceptical, but my impulsive nature triumphs yet again. Today, I purchased the Lasercomb from

For the benefit of all of you guys on here like me, you have my word, I'll keep a detailed log of my trials and tribulations with the LC, month by month, with pictures and all.

Here goes nothin'
Wish me luck.

Vinton Harper

Established Member
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20sometingtoo said:
I'm still sceptical, but my impulsive nature triumphs yet again. Today, I purchased the Lasercomb from

For the benefit of all of you guys on here like me, you have my word, I'll keep a detailed log of my trials and tribulations with the LC, month by month, with pictures and all.

Here goes nothin'
Wish me luck.
I'd appreciate you posting your findings with it. I find myself getting more interested in trying it too.

Oh, and good luck! I hope it helps.


New Member
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I was just looking for more info on the lasercomb. I wish I had the money to experiment with it myself but I just don't.

Best of luck and please keep us updated.