countdown to next month


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so theres this girl that i met through a mutual friend a year ago. nothing happened in the beginning. we graduated from school and never really saw each other again (and at that time i was wearing a cap a lot). she moved to washington, i stayed in LA

then, a couple months ago, she contacted me because i used to work at a place she wanted to apply to. she was looking for a couple emails/phone number/etc. somehow things started rolling from there, and we've been talking a lot. i guess i was being a little flirty without really being aware of it, and i think we have something going on. but, of course, she's in washington and i'm in LA, so i never really gave it much thought.

then last week, very of the blue, she said, "hey i'm coming to LA next month!" she bought the plane tickets and everything. i know the main reason she's coming is because of me. she's decided to go to grad school, so the job isn't on her mind any more. and most of her friends here in LA have moved to san fran since graduation, so that just leaves me.

i doubt that she even thinks im losing my hair. like i said, i was wearing a cap back then. and in my facebook pictures my hair looks fairly normal. after some success with minoxidil i've been losing fast the past 2 months. im just afraid of how bad it'll get in another month.

i'm a fairly logical person. so i can tell myself, "hey, if she makes a big deal about your hair then she wasn't worth it to begin with," or "confidence overpowers your looks." yeah i can tell myself all that good stuff. but truth is i'll be anxious for a month about her arrival.

PS- i saw that clint eastwood was named "badass of the year" by GQ. man, clint would be al over my case right now. like, why am i whining? why am i being such a mopey dimwit? i think clint should just come over and beat the crap out of me; maybe that'll knock some sense in me


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Update your facebook.


Established Member
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yeah, updating your profile with a couple of current pictures would be a good idea.

Choose a few pics where you look relaxed and having fun with friends for example.


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I was in a similar situation except I buzzed my hair short to reveal the balding Norwood 2.5 freak I was. When my hair was longer you couldn't see thinning.

Also, a friend who was there with her cracked a joke about my receding hairline in front of her. Guess what happened? I still got laid that night, by her, for the first time. She was pretty cute and not overweight either. Maybe 7/10 on CSS scale.

If you really liked a girl and something happened to her like she gained some weight or had bad acne but you still liked her and were a cool person you would look past it right? You would only say, wow I am not even going to hang out with her because she looks different, if you were shallow.

So don't worry about it. Instead get the other aspects of your life together. Clean your place up, get some nice clothes, find a good dinner to cook her, etc.

You are a balding man. Be comfortable and relaxed and find out if she is willing to date a balding guy or not.

p.s. Whatever you do, do not hide your hairloss. Trust me, it is much better to show it off. I know this sounds strange.