counterfit pills?


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i read an article saying 50 percent of all pills sold online are counterfit and do nothing for you! most people probably bought their stuff overseas so, how do we know we have the real stuff?

this article was directed towards viagara type pills but they did say all pills outside of viagara.

Molecular Help

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I'm sorry dude but that is the most pointless post I've ever seen in my life!!!

What the hell are you asking us?

You read an article somewhere that said half of all pills on the internet are fake. But you didn't give us a link to the article. I understand your concern, but that is a very bold statement without showing us a source!

Many of us do order our finasteride and some order dutasteride online. I don't get mine overseas, though many get their finasteride from cipla, a well established company in India. Many get dutasteride from Switzerland.

Posters on this site have had positive results using both. That's one way to tell they aren't fake.

Is there a way to tell if a pill is fake just by looking at it? No!

I just want to repeat that I understand that if this article is true it would make you wary of purchasing meds on the internet. But you gave us no information and posed a question that has no answer.

That's why no one can respond with anything but incredulity.

Post the link to this article if you have it.

Good Day.



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i dont have a link because i saw it on a different hairloss forum and dont care enough to find it again. basically, i am saying no one knows for sure if the stuff we bought over the internet is real! i spent 300 dollars n proscar and when i read the article i havent been able to stop thinking my pills were fake.

i bought my from and no w i really wish i went to a doctor and got it prescribed to me.

anyone else think their pills are fake?


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if ur gonna go that route and get it online u never kno if the pills are real or not especially if they are generic....i see the point of this was because u are concearned....but the truth is u can go into a store and people can try to sell you something thats fake....y would the internet be any different??...there are real pills for sale online out there..but if u want piece of mind....get a prescription


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i know you can buy real pills online but 50 percent is what shocked me. so, half the people on this forum are taking fake pills? wow, if that is true and hopefully i am one of the lucky ones that's not


I would think the counterfeiters would go for high value pills, not things like proscar, or generic cipla/fincar


does anyone know of a chemical test that can be done at home which would reveal the prescence of finasteride?

Molecular Help

Established Member
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Warning: Alarmist in the House!

You should have told us that there was an issue that concerned us direly at some point in the early evening, and told us to come back at 11 to find out.



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I think testing for finasteride should be fairly straightforward IF one has access to lab equipment such as LC/GC MS (liquid/gas chromatography mass-spectrometry. What is needed is a standard which we can get from the REAL pill and compare the spike with the sample. Furthermore, since we know the structure and molecular weight of finasteride, we roughly can tell were the spike will appear.


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I think testing for finasteride should be fairly straightforward IF one has access to lab equipment such as LC/GC MS (liquid/gas chromatography mass-spectrometry. What is needed is a standard which we can get from the REAL pill and compare the spike with the sample. Furthermore, since we know the structure and molecular weight of finasteride, we roughly can tell were the spike will appear.


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Seeing as how mass-spectrometry equipment is over a million dollars...............


jrg said:
I think testing for finasteride should be fairly straightforward IF one has access to lab equipment such as LC/GC MS (liquid/gas chromatography mass-spectrometry. What is needed is a standard which we can get from the REAL pill and compare the spike with the sample. Furthermore, since we know the structure and molecular weight of finasteride, we roughly can tell were the spike will appear.

yeah that should be straightforward, I think I will have a root around the kitchen, I am sure someone got me some liquid/gas chromatography mass-spectrometry equipment last Christmas, or was it a vegetable steamer? hmmm? that should still work?


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c'mon, notice I use a big IF.

I thought of another way for those with inherently high PSA. We know PSA will drop by about half. So by simply checking that, one can infer if the pill is real.

rescue hair

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It seems that you would be able to verify the authenticity of an online pharmacy by just checking on little things like, do they have phone numbers, testimonials, things like that (although I guess they could fake that) And I agree, conterfeiters would go for the high priced drugs like Viagara.


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I buy Fincar from Printed on the strips is the retail price - 95 Indian Roupees. This is approximately one pound (UK), and they sell them at about eight pounds.

I think that's sufficient profit to make it worthwhile safeguarding repeat orders by selling the real thing.