Counting hair i find on my pillow and while having a bath?


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For the last to weeks i always count the hair i find on my pillow and while im showering. I find 6-12 on my pillow and while im sampooing my hair 10-15 and 15 on my towel after the bath. Normally, i shower everyday but in athens we have quarantine so i try to have a shower every 3 days so this hairloss is after 3 days of not having bath. Is it ok??


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It's better to shower once every day. Keep it clean everyday. Dirt built up in your head after 3 days not washing it only promotes weak and hair fall. Don't think about the fallen hairs too much. It just means a new hair is starting to grow

Will Be an Egg in 5 years

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People say it's fine but it always starts like that. Just a couple of strands. Than 20, 50, 100... First in the pillow, then showering, scratching, combing, styling..

If you have other baldness signs, it is baldness.


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If Shedding hair was a sign of baldness my Girlfriend would have been bald in a month. The only way to tell from shedding if you are balding is to take note of the exact spot the follicle came out of, keep that hair. when the next one grows back measure the thickness and compare the two, if the new hair is more miniaturized, you have male pattern baldness