Counting hairs

Captain Hook

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This is something I see mentioned a lot on these forums, with little reasoning behind it too. I even question myself as to why I count hairs I lose in the shower, etc.

Do you guys count the hairs you lose? Is this necessary? Should we pay attention to the number of hairs or more so just approximate how much we're shedding?

Also, what is considered a normal amount of hair to lose each day? (I feel like the 100 hairs a day statement is a bit too high)

These questions came to be due to the fact that ever since I started using S5 Cream I've noticed I'm shedding about 50% less hairs than before but at the same time I'm wondering is this even relevant in terms of evaluating treatment efficacy?


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Shedding hair

In June of 2015 I cut my hair which at the time was 14 inches long. I instantly regretted, but figured I'd just grow it out again. I complained a lot about how much I missed my hair, and a friend stated that I should use rogaine to make it grow faster. (In hind sight stupid I know) with out much knowledge of rogaine or how it worked I proceed to follow through with this "speed growth" experiment. Afraid that it would do something to my hair I opted to try it on my front and tempals - rubbing it all over my hairline as far as an inch behind my hairline. I used rogaine 5% foam for 10 days twice daily. After ten days I noticed a small thin spot in the front of my hairline. I freaked out and suddenly stopped using rogaine instantly. At this point I started to notice mass amounts of hair falling on my hands while showering. Come to find out this is the "initial dead shed" commonly associated with hair loss products. I thought that stopping the product would end my shedding, but this has not been the case. Today is six weeks since stopping the use of rogaine, and I still seem to be shedding 50 plus hairs in the shower. This is something I've never noticed before, and prior to this I didn't think I had a hair problem. I figured if I shed this much previously in the shower then I would have noticed 50 plus 14 inch hairs falling out in the shower. Also, if I rub my hands through my hair over the sink repeatedly I can accumulate another 30-40 hairs. Please tell me that once the "dread shed" starts there is no stopping it even if stopping treatment?! One must just go through the process?


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I think it would be necessary to count how many hairs you shed a day. But at the same time I think it's difficult. Because over the past months since April 2015 I've noticed my scalp hair thinned a lot. People don't notice unless I mention it to them. Anyway. I counted the hairs I lose daily it I was only at 50 no where near 100 but if that's the case why is my hair so thinner than usual?


My Regimen
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Because it's impossible to notice every or even a significant portion of the hairs you lose. Average person loses at least 100 a day, up to 300, I think a lot of us are closer to the 300 mark but nobodies reporting that.