counting on HM?


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Would it be utterly idiotic to get a densely packed Brad Pitt hairline next year and hope that Acell/Histogen/Follica/whatever, is gonna be out to save the top of the scalp when that sarts to go?


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im contemplating the same thing. At the most I would probably need 1000-1500 at the front (thanks to rogaine foam) unless rogaine foam decides to stop making me shed and grow some of my hair in the front.

I called Acell today to try to see if i could get into their study and they said that you have to have a 2x2 balding area... i dont qualify, but i asked if i could go ahead and pay for acell the lady said we have done it on a couple but you would have to discuss it with the doctor.


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ooo, i think were in the same boat, im receding slowly and was contemplating foaming my hairline, but i feel like it will destroy what i have... keep me posted on ur progress with foam and the acell please


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don't rely on on something that you are not sure about!
I bet there are guys out there that 4-5 years ago were made the same mistake thinking that in the next few years the HM will be available...and their waiting was in vain...


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will do nohawk. I do think that after 6.5 weeks i can see some thickening of my crown area from it. time will tell!

I mean yes people have made that mistake, but i heard that they have already done it on a couple paying customers. I dont plan on putting all my eggs in one basket. I would obviously not completely deplete my donor area but use a quarter to possibly half of it depending on how much I have.


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I would bet that it still wont be available in 5 yrs time.
I recently looked on a thread in the HM section on here the first post was "WOOHOO!!! Roll on 2008!!!"

I've been on the forums for over 5 yrs now and still have yet to see any evidence that it even works in trial tests.


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nohawk said:
Would it be utterly idiotic to get a densely packed Brad Pitt hairline next year and hope that Acell/Histogen/Follica/whatever, is gonna be out to save the top of the scalp when that sarts to go?

Yes !


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I e-mailed Dr. Hitzig's office in New York on Monday night and the got back with me today. I asked if Acell is available and how much. They told me of the steps I need to take and that it is available. They said I would have to send in photos and they could help me come up with a price depending on the amount of hair i need. SO its available now supposedly. Probably outrageously priced though.


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brandnew said:
I e-mailed Dr. Hitzig's office in New York on Monday night and the got back with me today. I asked if Acell is available and how much. They told me of the steps I need to take and that it is available. They said I would have to send in photos and they could help me come up with a price depending on the amount of hair i need. SO its available now supposedly. Probably outrageously priced though.

I don't get it. Wasn't ACELL supposed to cure us of limited donor supply and baldness? Its already available and no one knows? or did it flop...


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it looks like another way the encourage like doing something, overpriced but you don't really know if it is good or not! this really sucks ...the acell things...why are doctors saying that is available? is available and helping for what? because we have to be honest... nobody have seen results with this powder...