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So, basically I've been thinning for the past year, and am currently only 18. I've ordered my own supply of 2% nizoral, and it does seem to help slow down my thinning, however I really want to get started on a stronger regimen of Propecia. There's just one thing, I cannot for the love of God bring myself to bring up the topic to either of my parents. I told my doctor during my last check up, but he seemed to just shrug it off and tell me to wait until I'm older.

I know that I have to catch this young if I want to beat it, but right now my confidence is really killing me...

Thanks for any advice!

ps. I'm very confident in myself and in everything else I do but this, and I have no idea why.

Quantum Cat

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If you tell your parents then they might have sympathy and give you support. More importantly, you may be able to get them to pay for the meds and treatments. :woot:


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I think a lot of people believe propecia is "snake oil" and that there is no "cure" for hair loss and you are wasting your time.

That simply is not true, but it might be hard to convince your parents.

Are any of your grandfathers bald on either side? If so - I'd use that as a bargaining chip.

Say you'd like to try it for 3 months and the evaluate if it is working or not.

Propecia is expensive ($70/month) - I know my parents would not have been willing to drop that kind of cash when I was 18. You'd probably need to make some deal with them like getting a part time job on the side.

Everyone's situation is different - but the longer you wait, the worse shape you're going to be in. You need to start taking it ASAP before you lose any more ground, that is, if it's something you really care about.


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Tell them. they will be supportive. trust me.

As for the fincar..its like 50£ for a years worth. Thats what i did. I didnt see the point buying it for more money if i could go cheap. And if your getting minoxidil get kirkland as its cheap aswell.


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dudemon said:
If you tell your parents they might help pay for the meds. The worse thing thry could do is refuse, and tel you "not to worry about your hairloss because it runs in the family. better get used to going bald cause there's nothing you can do about it." BTW, that is exactly what my parents did when I was 18 to 20 something.

But, you don't have to accept that. If you are thinning, you could get on the meds and pay for them yourself. Your parents don't have to know. You are the one ultimately paying the price for losing your hair - not your parents. All they can do is help pay and apologize. But, like my folks, don't expect an apology. My pops told me to "enjoy going bald, because it's a crown of glory - you should be proud to be bald, son" :jackit:

Of course no kid wants to hear such nonsense - it's simply BS! :mrgreen:

Is your dad bald? Did he go bald young? My dad was telling me "Hey, its no big deal", and making fun of my "power alleys". Only later did I find out that when his crown started to go (at forty-f*****g-seven) he tried Rogaine. So... Yeah.


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I don't even think he experienced thinning until 30+, but he's around 50 and is bald on his crown.


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jswan303 said:
What exactly do you need your parents to do?

I was wondering that too. If money is an issue, then just get fincar and split it into 5 or more pieces. I recommend splitting it into 10th to start out, or 0.5mg of finasteride per piece. You'll save a ton of money (might cost you around 3 bucks a month), you'll lessen the chances of getting sides (which is good at your age) and you can still get great results from it (0.5mg of finasteride is just a tiny bit less effective than 1mg propecia).

If it's because you need your parents to convince the doctor to write a prescription, then here's a solution: walk-in clinic.