Couvre with really short hair? Also martial arts?


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I just ordered a bottle of couvre and was wondering if it worked well with really short hair?

I also started training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, where you wrestle on the ground a lot. Does couvre "wipe off"?


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it won't come off with sweat. you'll be ok. and good for you for taking jiu jitsu. it's one of the best kinds of martial arts to learn along with judo and muay thai


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brazialian Jui-jitsu is probably the single most effective art form in a one on one situatation. i've been studying the art, along with others for the last 8 years.

i don't think you would have a problem with it, but i'd test it out at home before training BJJ in it, it would suck to have it get all over your white uniform.

do you guys watch the ultimate fighting championships, or pride fighthing from japan. i love that stuff!!!


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pride, ufc, king of the cage, pancrease, k1, i watch them all. it's the best sport out there if you ask me. one day it'll get big. one day. there are a lot of people trying to stop that from happenning though because it is remembered as a blood sport although nowadays the fighters all have skill and cross train.. there are a lot of good instructional dvds for jiu jitsu. there's one for 60 dollars for 3 dvds of renzo gracie showing how to do various submissions. bas rutten has a good dvd out too. i've been doing jiujitsu, muay thai and judo for the last 6 to 7 years. met bas rutten, renzo gracie, dan henderson, randy couture, royler gracie, and a lot of other fighters. all great guys


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dan henderson, and randy c. are two of my favorite fighters. randy was recently in northern california doing a seminar; i wish i could of made it. he has a great attitude- very humble and does his talking in the ring. reminds me of fedor from pride fc.


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fedor and noguiera will probably meet at the pride gp finals..i have a feeling noguiera will win this time. and dan henderson and bas rutten are my favorite fighters


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WHo doesnt love watching that stuff? I hope it does not get banned like they already tried to do, but now that they have rounds and some other new rule changes the gov has let it go, at least as far as UFC goes.


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it's because of those rules that ufc is now nothing compared to pride. pride has lot of money and offers good fighters more money unlike the ufc, most of the good fighters go to pride to fight. well pride or k1. anyways..nowadays ufc has almost gotten on the same level as king of the cage..they do still have some loyal good fighters though like couture, liddell, ortiz, etc.. but in the future they'll get in a contract dispute..i'm sure most of them are waiting for their contracts to end right now so they can leave to go elsewhere


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i totally agree, I would much rather watch pride or K1 then watch UFC. If you ask me I think they should make more than boxers. Boxers at least the more popular ones make millions of dollars and do not know how to do half the stuff of pride or K1 fighter, not to mention they only have to worry about getting hit with a fist instead of being tapped out or kicked or kneed.


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mike tyson is in k 1 now. he's supposed to fight soon. but it's stupid. he'll only have boxing rules against the kickboxers he fights. so he'll beat them easily. he refuses to have k1 fights where the kickboxers can kick him. mike tyson will just knock everyone out easily.. it's stupid. he'll only be fighting with boxing rules so he doesn't get humiliated. k1 doesn't care though. mike tyson being in k1 gives the owners a lot more coverage and more fans..still, mike tyson is going to make the kickboxers there look like fools because they aren't allowed to kick him . so it's a plus in one way but not in the other


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MMA is the bomb! Nothing quite as exciting as watching an MMA match, especially with the greats. Not only that, tons of fighters are bald LOL!
My Couvre is on its way, I'll give it a test run at home. You're right, I don't want it coming off in class, I can't think of anything more embarassing.