
Cowlick Or Hair Loss/crown Thinning?

Tom Alley

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I am 22 years old and have been getting sunburnt on the top of my head recently, and I noticed a rather large spot without hair on the top of my crown. I have attached a picture. Would you say this is simply a cowlick with my hair going in different directions, or is this the beginning of hair loss? My hair is light red and it seems more pronounced when under bright lighting.

My father is 60 and has no hair loss, neither do his brothers or his father. On my mothers side, most of the men have hair loss at the crown.

Thanks for any insight.


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Pictures can be deceiving. I would visit a proper dermatologist that specialises in hair loss, or a hair loss surgeon, to get a miniturzation analysis carried out. That's the only way of knowing definitively. Your hair does look thinner at the crown, but get a minitruziation test done before you jump on any treatments.