cp serum diluting


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didtilled water?,, how much ratio water to cp serum?




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Is this the Skin Biology product? If so, you can dilute it with regular tap water.


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Sorry :roll: no should have said its, A Crew product
still same ?



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Crew products are licensed from Pickart, so they are water based, I believe. That means you should be able to dilute them with tap water.


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mvpsoft said:
Crew products are licensed from Pickart

They are ProCyte licensed, which makes Tricomin. Pickart has nothing to do with American Crew or Tricomin (which he owned in the 80's).

Why would you want to dillute AC anyway?Are you talking about these tiny green bottles?



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Cassin said:
mvpsoft said:
Crew products are licensed from Pickart

They are ProCyte licensed, which makes Tricomin. Pickart has nothing to do with American Crew or Tricomin (which he owned in the 80's).
This is a bit misleading. I know that you know, Cassin, that the Procyte patents and products were developed by Pickart, and so he definitely did have something to do with them, but I'm posting this just so others won't be confused. Procyte is a corporation that Pickart founded. He developed the copper peptide formulas that they use, but in the US, whenever a patent is developed by someone who is employed by a corporation (whether the person owns the corporation or not), the patents are assigned to the corporation. So Pickart's patents were assigned to Procyte. Later, Pickart had a falling out with the other owners of Procyte and left the company. By law, the patents remained with the corporation, even though Pickart did all the work for them.

So although Pickart currently has nothing to do with Procyte, their products, and all products licensed by them to other companies, are based on Pickart's work and patents.

Getting back to the original question, as far as I know, all Pickart's copper peptide formulas are water based and can be diluted with tap water. However, I agree that it's hard to see a reason to dilute the Procyte or Procyte-licensed products since they are already pretty weak formulations. The Skin Biology products are much stronger.


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Sorry man, I didn't mean to come off as nitpicking your post.

mvpsoft said:
Getting back to the original question, as far as I know, all Pickart's copper peptide formulas are water based and can be diluted with tap water. However, I agree that it's hard to see a reason to dilute the Procyte or Procyte-licensed products since they are already pretty weak formulations. The Skin Biology products are much stronger.

I agree with this. keep in mind though, supposedly, modern day Procyte formulas have a superior delivery system. Not saying that is true...it's just what they claim.

Personally I prefer Procyte because it is more cosmetically suitable for me because of the color.


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I used two bottles of Tricomin before switching to Folligen. I was a bit apprehensive about the color/staining issue some have reported, but it has not been a problem for me. I have experienced regrowth, and I believe that Tricomin is partly responsible for that. The regrowth started before I switch to Folligen. Other than the fact that Folligen is much stronger than Tricomin, it's also much cheaper, plus the bottles are 8 oz compared to the 6 oz Tricomin bottles. Have you tried diluting Folligen to see if that solved the color problem?


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mvpsoft said:
Have you tried diluting Folligen to see if that solved the color problem?

Yeah I diliuted it down to about 20% at one point just to see. The fact is, I just hate walking around with a green scalp. Even if it washed out later. Now I can apply my CP's in the AM and nobody can tell at work. Before I had to wait till night and I knew nobody would see me anymore.


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It's funny, Folligen never makes my scalp green, even at full strength. If it did, I would definitely use Tricomin instead.


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Yes, I'm using Folligen and minoxidil at the same time. I usually apply them within minutes of each other.

I started Tricomin and minoxidil at the same time, in August. I started dutasteride later. My regrowth was noticeable (to me) after about three months of using minoxidil and Tricomin, and I have been using Folligen only for the last month or so, and the Lasercomb for only the last few weeks. Regrowth seems to be picking up steam now, I'm even getting some along my hairline, but my earliest regrowth occured before dutasteride would have had a chance to be effective. I attribute it to the Tricomin and minoxidil. The reason I think that Tricomin played at least a role in it is because I've been using Pickart's CP Serum on my face, and as I mentioned in another thread, recently I have noticed that my beard is starting to come in a bit thicker. So apparently for me anyway copper peptides are acting as a regrowth agent.