Crazy hairloss 27 y/o


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Hey whats up guys came across the forum after doing a search for a new pair of clippers. Even though I just turned 27 its too late for me to try any treatments short of a tom brady like--FULL HEAD transplant lol. My old mans got the free haircut along with my grandfather on my mothers side, granddad on my fathers side has a full head of white hair. It intrigues the hell out of me because I dont believe all hairloss is equal. Some people will tell you its all genetics, and in my case it may very well be but I think theres more to it. I'll give you my hair loss story first before any questions though.

Started at 19 years old, hair would seem to fall out "seasonally". Im talkin early spring and beginning of fall I would wake up to find hair all over my pillow for a couple of weeks. Mind you i've always had a widows peak. That went on for a few years until roughly my 2nd license pic (age 23) my hair still looked somewhat normal after a trip to the barber. However approximately 2 years ago the whole top front to mid scalp (best i can describe it lol) started to lag. It would grow much much slower than the rest of my head. It maintained color so that if I got it trimmed it would still look normal. Now recently It was like a genetic switch had been flipped. That hair on the top mid scalp still grows but has no color, it looks like peach fuzz, and the hair reaching to the back of my head grows much slower than my sides. Weird eh? I was in a pretty bad car accident during that time so stress may have played a factor but im unsure. I dont know anyone else with this hairline. Also my beard has started to grow at fuggin light speed. After a clean shave it only takes a week for a relatively thick *** (unwanted) beard to grow in.

I had done some research that testosterone that converts into some dhc form plays a factor and just the other day I came across a disturbing video of mites that live on humans faces and guess what, yep thats right, they love hair follicles(demodex mites to be specific). Mostly eye lashes but they are all over most peoples heads.

Do different parts of the scalp grow differnt types of hair?

Are there different hormones involved?

(*edit*) Almost forgot to mention diatomaceous earth, anyone ever try it as a pore scrub?

My beard easily outgrows anything on the top of my head and seems to be like a brillow pad and never did this until recently.

Btw what kind of trimmers do you guys use? Im looking for something to trim my head and beard down in 1 shot, and possibly something else to shape out some facial hair.

I've got a tiny *** wahl atm but the damn things almost 7 years old and sounds like its on its last leg.

Thanks in advance for any insight guys!


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hi its because hair on that part of your head is affected by DHT and it is miniaturized. The hair cycle on that area is shorter and the hair follicle becomes thinner and thinner until it dies.