crazy shedding on spironolactone/revivogen

Last blade

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Started spironolactone + revivogen 2 months ago,ive been usimg them along the hairline.Thing is ever since ive had crazy shedding,its doubled,almost tripled in the space of 2 months.The worrying thing is thats its mostly comming from the front half of my scalp,not just were i use the stuff.Should i just sit tight and hope it works out?


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First of all, I dont understand why you are using both spironolactone and revivogen...this is at best overkill. Drop the expensive and unproven revivogen and keep the spironolactone...hopefully, you are using the 2% spironolactone. Second, there is no way these products are making your hair worse unless you are having some allergic reaction. Some shedding is normal, and is indication that treatment is working. Third, you need to add minoxidil and/or copper peptides as a growth stimulator, this should eliminate shedding. Fourth, I would consider propecia.

Last blade

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I think your right,the revivogen has to go.
Im on 2% and 5% i use both once a day.Im already on minoxidil.I just hope dropping the revivogen doesnt have any nasty effects.Altho i think its the reason for the increased shedding,it makes my hair dry and brittle,and clogs it up,it would seem to almost force it out.
Ill drop it,fingers crossed
Cheers for the advice.


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First of all I would not consider using spironolactone and revivogen overkill. There is no such thing as having overkill when inhibiting DHT. Secondly copper peptides are used to calm irritation the same which can be accomplished by using nizoral. Calms irritation therefore promotes faster growth. As far as coppers ability to inhibit DHT - not proven. Stick with the revivogen and spironolactone and I'm sure your freaking out about the shedding simply because your noticing it more. Don't worry and stick with it. There was also an interesting article on this website about using spironolactone and revivogen and how it would be a good regimen to halt and reverse hairloss. Just make sure you use nizoral to calm any irritation by using both products. The shedding could be due to irritation or possibly an allergic reaction to the spironolactone. Talk to Dr. Lee and he will set you straight!

Last blade

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Yeah i read that study but thats all the real support there is for using revivogen and spironolactone.Im gonna drop it i think,its too much to fit application of 3 different topicals into 1 day,its just not viable.And as i said i think revivogens effect has been detrimental,it makes the hair very brittle and it also stains the scalp a lovely orange colour.

Ill just stick to the minoxidil and the spironolactone twice a day and pray things so full circle and come good.


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ive used spironolactone for about 2 weeks and lost almost 50% of where i applied it. i think me and PG dont work!! this sucks though cuz i looked bad before now i feel like a 4 month old baby with these thin *** hairs


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Nizoral and Cu Peptides are not equal for inflammation. They work by two completely different mechanisms. In fact, Nizoral actually causes inflammation and associated redness and itching.

IMO, revivogen is nothing more than than a waste of money. Unlike spironolactone, there are no legit scientific abstracts or studies that prove its effectiveness for male pattern baldness. It turns your hair rusty orange; its difficult to apply; it makes your hair greasy; it also give gives a lot of people an itchy scalp.

Last Blade, I would suggest an easily followed topical rutine of: topical 2% spironolactone on a wet scalp 1X/day-make sure you use a hydrating shampoo and conditioner or the spironolactone will dry your out your hair. Copper peptides-I would strongly advise adding these to eliminate inflammation. I use Crew revitalizing spay because it completely masks the spironolactone smell. Nizoral-3X's week. Minoxidil 5%.

This is what I use and I never see any hair on my pillow, comb or in the shower. In fact, I lose less hair than the average person, or less than 100 hairs/day.


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I don't know but I have had very little shedding on spironolactone and I apply it twice a day along with revivogen 1x per day. The only time I have ever had major sheds is when using Cu peptides!!! I also use the revivogen conditioner, which is actually pretty good and my hair has not dried out at all. I use nizoral about every two days or so, but I would say my hair and scalp are in great condition. No staining of the scalp. As far as revivogen goes I believe the studies are there to support it. Revivogen does contain Azelic acid, etc and other potent natural DHT inhibitors. To each his own, nothing works that great anyway. In fact I just visited two doctors (derms) in my hometown of about 50,000 and both told me that propecia is not really that effective from what they have seen and recommended using spironolactone and revivogen. Who knows??