Creatine & sexual function


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I personally have used creatine on and off for the past several years. I've never had any sexual enhancement from it (although I didnt need it so I would'nt neccessarily notice it). I've never heard of creatine boosting sexual performance as its not a hormonal drug and has nothing to do with testosterone. I don't think its gona help you. What does this have to do with hairloss? Propecia side effects?


yes, propecia side effects. I've been on fina for 13 months now and just 2 months ago i've been having these side effects. Diffuculty getting and mainting an erection and shitty performance overall. It sucks, but the whole thing about creatine is that i used it about 2 or 3 years ago and i remember my performance was boosted for sure. I had a lot more stamina, and my erections were rock hard, but at that time even without the creatine they were rock hard because i wasn't on finasteride then.


Senior Member
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Try taking some saw palmetto, or la arginine? supplements...These have worked in the past for libido problems.