Creating an effective alternative regimen.


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I'd like to create a discussion on a possible effective alternative regimen for finasteride/minoxidil

finasteride/minoxidil can be effective, but can also wreak havoc on the endocrine and reproductive systems (I know cause I'm one of them, but that's for another forum).

Too many people on this forum quickly dismiss the power of alternative treatment. I personally have had great success with saw palmetto for years after quitting finasteride, and only advanced further norwood's in only a few months after stoping saw palmetto.

Due to health issues I had to get off everything for the past 6 years, but I'm back ready to try to gain back some losses.

I'd like to try a topical morning and night along with several known dht blockers orally.

So far I have:

- nizoral 1% 2 times weekly (4 minutes)
- ]Revita shampoo 5 times weekly.
- 1/4 cup pumpkin seeds daily with coffee.
- 1 tsp pygeum powder per day (mixed with bite size food items taken throughout the day).

Looking to add saw palmetto next along with two topicals.

Bad experience with laser so that's not an option.

I've been doing this for 4 weeks now and already I can feel things dramatically changing in my body chemistry.
Excessive scalp itch has virtually disappeared. I never had dandruff or any skin issues, just used to itch like crazy.

- Morning erections increase (over 50%)
- Seminal fluid increase (over 25%).
- Seminal consistency (previous liquefaction issues have stopped completely).
- Beard growth has slowed down by 25%.

Very powerful stuff for someone in their late 40s. I'm not sure how powerful it would be for someone in their early 20s, I remember when I was in my 20s, I would get an erection when the wind blew.

To be honest just these differences to body chemistry are worth the regimen alone, maintenance or new growth is would definitely be an added bonus.

I'm trying no extracts at this time, only whole products and will photograph any changes in hair growth.

I'm a Norwood 3 or 4 with tons of existing vellus, so it won't take much to kick them terminal, hopefully of course.

I'd like advice on topicals, I have the time to test a full regimen and will post results. minoxidil just seems to burn all the time, and when using oils, I seemed to rub out more hair that I might have grew, so looking for some input on creating a worthy topical to add to the mix.

Looking for existing successes, possible ideas for new mixes, anything someone can suggest, not just one liners, but details, item, how to get, what to mix with, how much to use, how to mix it.

I am well-funded, have lots of time, and I am totally committed so will pass down any success to the form.

Would like to hear some really good discussions and suggestions.

I would also be interested in another person Norwood 3 or 4 to assist by trying similar components except using extracts instead of the whole items, but absolutely no finasteride or minoxidil.


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People dismiss these because the arguments are backed by bogus studies done with small sample sizes, short durations, and likely doctored results. The fact is that if we are to trust these studies, there is no issue with male pattern baldness: It's cured. Pumpkin seeds, saw palmetto, cistanche, LLLT, etc, all cure male pattern baldness according to "studies". Do you believe it?

This is the only study I'm aware of showing any benefit to saw palmetto:
Even in this study, however, it is clear that saw palmetto is substantially weaker.

I would love nothing more than for pumpkin seeds or pygeum to be effective, but there's no evidence that they are.

I'm not dismissing what you're doing. I would love for these things to work. I want to believe that they work. But the fact is that greedy herbal supplement manufacturers are flooding the market with bogus claims backed by bogus studies, and sometimes they even lie about their ingredients. So it's very hard to know what's going on. You're gambling on your health.


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I agree the industry does make claims that are not true. The same way pharmaceutical companies claim there are no side effects on very dangerous and life threatening drug reactions. It is an unfortunate reality. Unfortunately where there is money to be made, there will be deception.

Natural hair

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i would suggest adding boar bristle brush as this will stimulate the hair follicles. I do this for about 5 to 10 mins daily and have done for the past 4-5 months. I can honestly say that my hair follicles have stopped shedding and enter a renewed phase of growth. Let me know what you think. Also, good luck! Looking forward to the pics


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You should add something like revivogen or fluridil. I've tried both, no there not as powerful as finasteride/dutasteride or RU58841. But they do help and cause no side effects.