Crown pic for all the naysayers


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Ok guys I know everyone thought before that I had zero loss but is seems the last couple months it has been getting worse and I think these pics show thinning. What do you think?? How bad is it???



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Hair is about 1 inch on top and slightly spiked up so the second picture is sort of looking down the hair shafts


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r u serious, am I really that blind when it comes to spotting hairloss?? You really don't see the crown starting to diffuse especially on the left side. You can see my scalp all around the crown especially in the second pic even though it is much shorter than I normally have it as its about 1 inch or maybe a little less and slightly spiked.


lucy923 said:
r u serious, am I really that blind when it comes to spotting hairloss?? You really don't see the crown starting to diffuse especially on the left side. You can see my scalp all around the crown especially in the second pic even though it is much shorter than I normally have it as its about 1 inch or maybe a little less and slightly spiked.

Maybe it is, maybe it is not. It's just hard to take this kinda hairloss very seriously when I'm VERY thin on the NW5 area myself.


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Its weird. :shock: Your hair is perfect except for a very small thin patch. :dunno:
There is some hairloss there but it does'nt appear to be normal m.p.b.


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This is only the beginning young grasshopper, it will get much worse with time! If you are freaking out now, I am not sure what you'll do when you see some REAL hairloss. Oh by the way I went from around your thickness to a NW5 diffuse in less than a year - thanks in part to propecia, but that's another story. Take your meds and fuk it.....enjoy your hair while it lasts.


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Thanks for the reassurance and kind words bud, that made me feel so much better. :dunno:


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Seriously, I don't think you're losing your hair at all. Direct light on the cowlick with hair standing semi-upright, you are definitely going to see scalp in 99% of people, even women. It'd be a shame if you let paranoia get the better of you.


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god...this damn moron again

how many times I need to tell you --- u dont have hair loss.


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Agreed - no hair loss.

Lucy - all that's happening in these pics is that some of the hairs on your crown are sticking up straight (rather than laying flat) and are allowing the light from your camera flash to penetrate through to your scalp. That's it.

Here's my crown, if you want to see what a thinning crown looks like. Mine's not really even noticeable to anyone once I've styled it etc!: ... 3076ca.jpg



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Dude you have an awesome hairline. As for the crown, many people have thin crowns but arnt actually balding. But I guarantee you if you grow your hair longer you will not notice the thinner than normal crown. But having said that, id get on propecia right away, I wouldnt bother with rogaine yet. its not that serious.


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im surprised some people are so hostile to people that are in very early stages of hairloss, just because he doesn't have rapid thinning something is definetly going on. thats about where i started my hairloss regimen. the good news is you are the person propecia is really made for early hairloss, probably can be the same as you are or better 10 years latter if you get on some sort of finasteride, id get on fincar from inhouse and split pill into quaters. people that say he doesnt have hairloss are blind thats what hairloss looks like when you catch it b4 its noticeable. ive always said people catch hair loss to late thats why they blame propecia for not working. when everyone can say yea your definetly losing your hair its gone to the point where you have lost about 50 percent density or more. lucy you can listen to the few that think you have no hairloss but you know your own hair best, as someone that caught hairloss early i say if hair means alot to you get on propecia and dont worry about it anymore, at least have peace and mind knowing your doing the best you can right now.


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thanks for the words Phish....What treatments are you on and are you maintaining/regrowing at all??


phish said:
im surprised some people are so hostile to people that are in very early stages of hairloss, just because he doesn't have rapid thinning something is definetly going on. thats about where i started my hairloss regimen. the good news is you are the person propecia is really made for early hairloss, probably can be the same as you are or better 10 years latter if you get on some sort of finasteride, id get on fincar from inhouse and split pill into quaters. people that say he doesnt have hairloss are blind thats what hairloss looks like when you catch it b4 its noticeable. ive always said people catch hair loss to late thats why they blame propecia for not working. when everyone can say yea your definetly losing your hair its gone to the point where you have lost about 50 percent density or more. lucy you can listen to the few that think you have no hairloss but you know your own hair best, as someone that caught hairloss early i say if hair means alot to you get on propecia and dont worry about it anymore, at least have peace and mind knowing your doing the best you can right now.

O'rly? I started finasteride when I still had acceptable amount of hair, but guess what: haven't even maintained, not even close! It's not black and white with treating hairloss.


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phish is right. But it's really hard to tell. If you are losing hair every day even very small amounts
it could be thinning I guess. But if you don't lose hair, no hair at the pillow no hair when showering etc..
then I would guess that you don't have hairloss. What I can say for sure is that your hairloss isn't severe
and maybe very, very slow because else you'd shed 100 to 200+ hair.

as you have black thick hair it's easy to tell by yourself.
I personally wouldn't get on drugs (Propecia) if there isn't anything wrong.
It should be taken when hairloss kicked in but it's your own choice.


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Tell me about it I think you have to have a full blown nw5 going before people on this site will throw you a bone. Granted I know that I am in the very early stages of thinning I hope to maintain if not grow some back in the next 5 - 10 years and by then hopefully something else will be out(HM). I believe I kickstarted my hairloss when I took a testosterone supplementation where it seemed to really thin me out a bit. It was the worst mistake of my life as my dad didn't start to thin till his mid 40s so I'm guessing I might have kickstarted my thinning with this supplement where I probably wouldn't have started to thin yet.


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GrowHairGrow! said:
phish said:
im surprised some people are so hostile to people that are in very early stages of hairloss, just because he doesn't have rapid thinning something is definetly going on. thats about where i started my hairloss regimen. the good news is you are the person propecia is really made for early hairloss, probably can be the same as you are or better 10 years latter if you get on some sort of finasteride, id get on fincar from inhouse and split pill into quaters. people that say he doesnt have hairloss are blind thats what hairloss looks like when you catch it b4 its noticeable. ive always said people catch hair loss to late thats why they blame propecia for not working. when everyone can say yea your definetly losing your hair its gone to the point where you have lost about 50 percent density or more. lucy you can listen to the few that think you have no hairloss but you know your own hair best, as someone that caught hairloss early i say if hair means alot to you get on propecia and dont worry about it anymore, at least have peace and mind knowing your doing the best you can right now.

O'rly? I started finasteride when I still had acceptable amount of hair, but guess what: haven't even maintained, not even close! It's not black and white with treating hairloss.

while not everyone maintains in 5 years 90 percent do, i do feel for you though to be the 10 percent that doesn't. but me helping this guy out getting him on finasteride in early hairloss im not guaranteeing he will maintain his hair for a while but judging from his pics and hair color and doesn't have aggressive hairloss i can see him maintaining for a while. in the 10 percent that finasteride didnt work in 5 years in propecia trials i still think it worked but those peoples hairloss were so severe it still couldn't hold back mother nature.


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Here's a couple pics with no flash and obviously it looks much better I just wanted to magnify if with the flash. So at the very worst I think we can come to the conclusion that I am in the very early stages?? Please don't jump on me again for posting these pics....this forum is for all stages of hairloss not just the full blown nw5/6/7.

Its unreal how much a flash makes a difference.



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I think you may have something, but I wouldn't start treating it yet. I'm not even sure if its male pattern baldness or just a normal scalp, but you might have spotted something. Then again, my head is f*cked up and too obssessed on hairloss so it could be playing tricks. Just continue to monitor it very closely and then add finasteride and nizoral if you feel you get worst.