Crucial stage - what's next step?


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First of all I hope know one minds me posting this post in two forums on this website; I'm new here so I'd like to share my story while getting some advice.

Hi, I think I've got to the stage where I want to do something constructive about my hair loss. I'm 28 and have been losing my hair since I was 18. My dad is bald and my uncles on my mam's side have thin hair - so it was always ineviatable that I would follow suite. Even though I have been losing hair for 10 years now - I'm probably only at stage 2 of the Norwood scale but heading quickly towards 2A. Basically the temple area is receding and my forehead has receded. All over my gair is extremely thin and limp. I've tried thickening shampoo but I only get severe flaking, so I usually just use an nati-dandruff shampoo.

Anyway unfortunately I'm obsessed about my hair to the degree that it effects my mood and personality. I have a fixed idea that people effect my hair loss. e.g. if someone annoys me, the situation in my head escalates because I have a fear of my stresed mood effecting my hair loss. Hence my scalp then feels stressed out and begins to flake and I do be convinced that I'm losing hair. This has a knock on effect that effects my personality and other aspects of my life; I know it may sound pathetic and vain but it's obsessive behaviour.
Does anyone understand this situation?

I have to say the resources on this website are excellent and I have already found them helpful. However I would like to ask a few questions/

So basically my questions are as follows?

Does anger, depression, OCD, fustration, bad sleeping patterns, stress and a stressed flaking scalp escalate hair loss?

Given the stage my hair loss is at - what would you recommend specifically for me? I'm not to worried about regrowth, I'm more concerned with thincknesss and particulary maintenance:

Thanks for reading!


Glapots said:
Anyway unfortunately I'm obsessed about my hair to the degree that it effects my mood and personality. I have a fixed idea that people effect my hair loss. e.g. if someone annoys me, the situation in my head escalates because I have a fear of my stresed mood effecting my hair loss. Hence my scalp then feels stressed out and begins to flake and I do be convinced that I'm losing hair. This has a knock on effect that effects my personality and other aspects of my life; I know it may sound pathetic and vain but it's obsessive behaviour.
Does anyone understand this situation?

Glapots said:
Does anger, depression, OCD, fustration, bad sleeping patterns, stress and a stressed flaking scalp escalate hair loss?
yes, definately.

Glapots said:
Given the stage my hair loss is at - what would you recommend specifically for me? I'm not to worried about regrowth, I'm more concerned with thincknesss and particulary maintenance.
Grab finasteride. No propecia but 1/4 proscar, it's cheaper and the same thing. wash your hair with nizoral twice a week.
& get rid of your stress.

Glapots said:
Thanks for reading!
no prob, thanks for telling.