culprit to hair-loss could be found in balding mice


Experienced Member
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Good article.

I wonder why this article just came out, and yet they say that they have noticed the periodic shedding and regrowth of hair for two years:

The cyclical alopecia continued for more than two years and the researchers observed that the mutant mice had enlarged oil-secreting sebaceous glands around the hair follicle and a thickened layer of skin cells during periods of hair loss.

And not to start another debate about whether the sebaceous glands are a cause of hair loss, they do mention that the glands are larger during the phases of alopecia. They also say that the skin is thicker during the alopecia phase. I've said it before, and it isn't rocket science or any incredible new idea or anything, but the skin on the top of the head is much thinner than on the sides. The side skin is much more supple. That's gotta be a cause/effect...

Thanks for posting the article.


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They are larger and make more oil BECAUSE there are more androgens present. It is the androgens that cause the hairloss. The oil has no effect.