Curcumin dosage


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I’ve started taking Turmeric (Curcumin) extract (the pill of the month), but I can’t find a topic with a recommended dosage.

Turmeric users, anyone?

CCS, JayMan, Docj077



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I take about 300mg twice a day. I don't know if that is the best dose or not. It's recommended on the bottle, though. take vitamin E, to, all isomers especially the gamma. while curcumin is nice, it can cause DNA damage if you are not also taking the vitamin E.


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well, I'm taking 100iu of vitamin E from my GNC Mega Men multivitamin.

Is that enough, or should I take more vitamin E?


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Don't take more than what is given you in the multivitamin. Hypervitaminosis is quite possible as you can overdose on vitamin E. It's one of the fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K) which means that they are stored unlike the water soluble vitamins. If you overdose, you'll learn rather quickly that it was a bad idea. Especially, with vitamin A.


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He is taking 100IU and you say not to go over that? I heard if you go over 200IU per day of the right combo, you get too anti-oxidant effects. I just wonder if you are supposed to do that dose for a while and then back off.


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I just don't want him to go over what he's given in his multivitamin. No other vitamin E supplements should be taken if you're taking a multivitamin. Vitamin E toxicity decreases the synthesis of Vitamin K dependent coagulation factors. This toxicity can cause hematomas, hemarthrosis and other problems related to hemorrhage.

You can take vitamin E. You just can't megadose vitamin E.


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and you don't consider your 333IU a mega dose? The RDA is 30IU. But many studies recommend 200-400 IU if it is the natural isomers and you get a mix that is high in gamma.


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docj077 wrote:
Actually, I'm only taking 65 IU. I halved my multivitamin.

I’m sorry, I just remembered that I also take half a dosage of my multivitamin.

I’m taking one caplet instead of two, so it’s more like 50 IU and 166% RDA.


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Strat54 said:
docj077 wrote:
Actually, I'm only taking 65 IU. I halved my multivitamin.

I’m sorry, I just remembered that I also take half a dosage of my multivitamin.

I’m taking one caplet instead of two, so it’s more like 50 IU and 166% RDA.

I get worried when people start saying that they take 1000% of the RDA and so on for extended periods of time. However, you're fine.

The worst people are those that take a multivitamin with A,D,E, and K vitamins in it when they wake up and don't eat anything in the morning. It's a complete waste of time and money.


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This turns your liver and spleen and kidneys and stomach and every tissue, indelliby orange, which might be a good thing, but sunshine, which is the only antidote for tumeric, doesn't reach inside ourselves. Tumeric could be a wonderful cure-all, for many, but it could be a horrible undeclared pollutant for others.


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Supplements are all a waste of time, and I start to think really fighing hairloss is kind of a waste of time. Nothing works that well despite the mounds of studies and treatments we have.


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abcdefg said:
Supplements are all a waste of time, and I start to think really fighing hairloss is kind of a waste of time. Nothing works that well despite the mounds of studies and treatments we have.

I have been using a range of treatments for three years now, and from a very shiny start I now have a very light head of hair, which is experimentally interesting and I hope not unique. I may cut down on the finasteride, and use more Eucapil Fluridil, hoping for even more effective and cheaper treatments in years to come. Fighting hairloss is a philosophy, and I recall Noel Coward's famous words "Success is surviving failure". Hair isn't everything, but I like the idea that mine is visibly getting slightly better each month.