

New Member
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What would be considered a cure for hair loss? In other words, what would be your perception of a cure? Or perhaps, how would you describe something that is close to a cure?


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A cure is taking someone that is completely bald and having them grow a teenage Norwood 0 hairline from a Norwood 7 consistently at nearly 100 percent success rates.


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This is the absolute cure. But i would consider "almost cure" something that you could take and completely stop your hair loss (no more bald people) or something that would have impressive regrowth results. In other words a Propecia v2 or minoxidil v2 would be close to cure.


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If you knew something was better than Propecia v2 and minoxidil v2, but also had an anti-aging effect along with the hair growth. Would you consider that a cure? I guess there is something called "Agrow" in Japan, getting these kind of results, so I heard. I don't know about here in the U.S. I searched it and could'nt find anything. Maybe I am not good at searching, who knows. I think that would be awesome if there was actually something like that out there.

Peace and hair growth


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The real cure is having hair again without worrying about losing them again without having a everyday pain in the arse regimen. :dunno:


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paulandjack said:
What would be considered a cure for hair loss? In other words, what would be your perception of a cure? Or perhaps, how would you describe something that is close to a cure?

paulandjack said:
If you knew something was better than Propecia v2 and minoxidil v2, but also had an anti-aging effect along with the hair growth. Would you consider that a cure? I guess there is something called "Agrow" in Japan, getting these kind of results, so I heard. I don't know about here in the U.S. I searched it and could'nt find anything. Maybe I am not good at searching, who knows. I think that would be awesome if there was actually something like that out there.

The real "cure" which there is not one yet, would be to stop trying to lure people into asking you what you are trying to sell and sticking with the treatments that work. :youbet:


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I suppose if my name was Propecia Junkie, I would be considered an angel!? Thank you for your advice.

Agrow Junkie


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Hey Brother, I sell nothing here. Actually I thought "PropeciaJunkie" would be a funny name because when I came to the forum I only used Rogaine and Saw Palmetto and would never touch Propecia. Also feel free to search my posts because all you will find is that I despise spammers of any kind and report them often. What caught my attention is, I have seen your posts on another forum with the same line of questions leading people to ask you about your product and also you are so obvious. It's all good, you were just busted that's all. :) :pint:

OH! and as for this comment.

paulandjack said:
I suppose if my name was Propecia Junkie, I would be considered an angel!?

No, if your name was PropecieJunkie you would NOT BE TRYING TO SPAM :nono:


Experienced Member
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Yeah, im not using anything right now (found out im alergic to minoxdil/rogain/whatever, and dont wanna be a lab mouse on propecia) shaving it close my friend, feeling great looking crap, who cares :hairy: some REAL sh*t is otw (unlike all the poison they try to sell us), just have to hand on there ...


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Hey you do what you can. I just thought I would ask, I saw it in your regimine. I have been on liquid for years and switched to foam but lost a crap load of hair and switched back. I probably should have gave it more time but it scared the hell out of me. I wish you good luck!


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I am not selling anything. But, if you find some place that sells Agrow. Please let me know.

P.S. I understand your point of view, no hard feelings.


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No hard feeling here either. :) We all want to grow our hair back but honestly there are ALOT of scam products out there and you need to be careful.


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I've been a spammer this whole time, but I'm terrible at it, as I have nothing to sell.