cutting fincar into fifths?


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What shape are fincar pills? I was considering buying some and was wondering how much trouble they would be to cut into fifths. I have read all the proscar threads and have seen the pic that shows how to cut them into fifths, but are the fincar pills the same weird shape? Also how big are they?


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Fincar pills are round, unlike Proscar. They are average pill size, about the same as a standard painkiller, just disc-like instead of cylindrical.

It is pretty much impossible to cut it into perfect fifths, but you can get pretty close. Just make sure you use a sharp razor blade. And if there's crumbling and powder at the end, the dust! :D


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I gave up cutting them into fifths. Instead I quarter them and skip the fifth day.


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I gave up cutting them into fifths. Instead I quarter them and skip the fifth day.

I never thought of that. How has that been working for you? How long have you been doing that? In the long run its the same dose of finasteride but does the day with no dose hurt? I wonder how long the finasteride stays active in your system.


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SpecialK117 said:
I gave up cutting them into fifths. Instead I quarter them and skip the fifth day.

I never thought of that. How has that been working for you? How long have you been doing that? In the long run its the same dose of finasteride but does the day with no dose hurt? I wonder how long the finasteride stays active in your system.

It seems fine, I've been taking finasteride for six months now.

One month I ran really low. To avoid running out I took one quarter every second day after reading numerous cases of people skipping a day, or taking smaller doses.

No problems at all, new hair continues to sprout from my glossy dome!