Cutting Propecia tablets, still work as well?


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Is it true cutting your Propecia tablets so you're ingesting only .50g, or .25g a day can be just as effective, and reduce the risk of side effects? I thought I read that on a post somewhere and was curious.


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The pill will still work but not as good as 1MG. People don't cut up Propecia. Proscar is the drug that people cut up because it's 5MG and it's comes out cheaper than Propecia (more than half the price). I would not take anything below 1MG of finasteride because FDA say at 1MG you will have the best bet with. Which is why Propecia is at 1MG and people use Proscar take 1.25MG.


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6 there any reason y u stick with propecia and dont make the switch switch?


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I dont trust the online store well enough to get proscar. Which finasteride is the only think that is growing my hair back. I don't want to take a chance on something that I wanna to save 15 bucks on. My hair is more important than the money I spend on. I know it's stupid but the peace in mind I need to.

Diabolical Follicle

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Glassjaw: many people, including myself, cut 1 mg propecia tablets. This has been discussed a lot on the hair loss boards, and there are numerous studies that show lower doses (below 1 mg) lower dht levels significantly. The University of Berkeley's health news letter even suggested cutting your propecia tablets into quarters.


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I currently take .5mg every other day.

Do you have a link to that Berkeley newsletter?

Or is it a hand held copy?

I would be really interested in getting my hands on it. I would even go so far as to beg you to send me a photocopy of the pertinent pages.

Diabolical Follicle

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this is from
(don't worry, the article bashes avacor)

We don’t recommend Propecia because its long-term safety is unknown. This is disquieting, since young men are the prime candidates, and the drug has to be taken for a lifetime. If you do decide to take it, you should know that although the standard dose is one milligram, there is some evidence that one-fifth that amount also works. If you cut the pill into quarters, you will save money.

UC Berkeley Wellness Letter, March 2003


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Thanks Diabolical,

I'd like to know who wrote that. Was it a doctor?