Cutting proscar into 8th's/ Lowering proscar dose.GOOD? bad?


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I am considering doing this which will take my dose from 1mg to .63mg per day.
Because of the "reflex hyperandrogenicity"* i seem to be having.

I'm considering lowering the dose because of that and because of reading this info from another thread:

Early dose ranging hair loss studies showed that much smaller dosages, such as 0.5 mg and even less, inhibited DHT on average almost as well as much higher dosages, such as 5 mg. One 6-month study comparing a placebo group, which lost hair, to users taking differing dosages of finasteride found that 0.2 mg of finasteride increased hair counts about 81% as much as 1 mg when compared to the placebo. Similarly, 1 mg increased hair counts 82% as much as a full 5 mg compared to placebo. The tiny 0.2 mg dosage did about 66% as well at regrowth and retention as 5 mg. Accordingly, the 1 mg dosage was probably a compromise designed to be high enough to pick up those who may not respond as well to the lower dosages, but low enough to minimize side effects. Many of those who take less than 1 mg opt for either 0.5 mg or 0.625 mg (1/8th of a Proscar tablet). Some people also skip days periodically based on the fact that finasteride suppresses DHT for up to several days and also on the old pharmacological rationale that it may help preclude any possible tendencies toward tolerance, which sometimes happens with continuous long-term use of medications.

and this:

BACKGROUND: Androgenetic alopecia is a common condition of adult men. Finasteride, a type 2 5alpha-reductase inhibitor, decreases the formation of dihydrotestosterone from testosterone. OBJECTIVE: Two separate clinical studies were conducted to establish the optimal dose of finasteride in men with this condition. METHODS: Men from 18 to 36 years of age with moderate vertex male pattern hair loss received finasteride 5, 1, 0.2, or 0.01 mg/day or placebo based on random assignment. Efficacy was determined by scalp hair counts, patient self-assessment, investigator assessment, and assessment of clinical photographs. Safety was assessed by clinical and laboratory measurements and by analysis of adverse experiences.

RESULTS: Efficacy was demonstrated for all end points for finasteride at doses of 0.2 mg/day or higher, with 1 and 5 mg demonstrating similar efficacy that was superior to lower doses. Efficacy of the 0.01 mg dose was similar to placebo. No significant safety issues were identified in the trials. CONCLUSION: Finasteride 1 mg/day is the optimal dose for the treatment of men with male pattern hair loss and was subsequently identified for further clinical development.

(or link ... php?t=9789 )

I do not suffer from major hair loss just a slow progression, perhaps a Norwood 1.5 and diffuse shedding, i'm 25 and have been on finasteride and nizoral for 4 months.

Does anyone have advice for me? I know to use the 1mg is "superior", but if my hair loss isnt extreme and i do suffer from outbreaks of zits and such would cutting my proscar into 8ths be okay for me? And i know i may get the answer to ride-it-out, but i can still ride it out on a lower dosage yah? And to perhaps see if the negative effects may be lessened?

I apologise if the vets have seen this question before, but i would just like to know if other people take a lesser dose and how it is for them.

anyway..what do you think?
thanks guys


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Zurealguy, I also have mild acne but have only just started Finpecia.
I cut mine into 6 pieces so take 5mg over 6 days but was thinking of maybe dividing the pills into 8 pieces.

Can you tell me how long you were on Propecia before your acne started to get worse?

Are you also experiencing increased facial oil and greatly elevated libido?


Cutting proscar into 8ths used to make me cry, as it was so frustrating. I now cut it into 6ths. Personally I dont think there is much of a diffirence between 0.5mg and 1mg of finasteride, just more sides for some people at a higher dose.

Some interesting stuff on this thread from some other renegade hairloss site. ... TARTPAGE=1


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bluenun said:
Zurealguy, I also have mild acne but have only just started Finpecia.
I cut mine into 6 pieces so take 5mg over 6 days but was thinking of maybe dividing the pills into 8 pieces.

Can you tell me how long you were on Propecia before your acne started to get worse?

Are you also experiencing increased facial oil and greatly elevated libido?

at about the 2 and a half point my acne began to flair up. Before that it was moderate and i'd only get one or two after boozing up on a saturday night.
Now it's just constant, hormonal induced acne, the under the skin red persistant acne that doesnt respond to topicals. On my neck ( gland area) on my back, and basically my beard area. I don't believe i have increased facial oil...i wash my face twice a day.

My libido has waned, though i'm fine with that, i can still get hard, but i dont seem to get random erections like i used to..but i'm sure that will pass.

In regards to Zimmy's post (and thanks for that link too), i don't seem to have much trouble cutting into 8ths, some of it ends up as powder, but i'll just take that with the first smallest cut piece.


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all u guys use finasteride, plz tell me where i can still get it place across seas stopped selling to here! thanks


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Hey zimmy,

Thanks for the link to that thread on hairlosshelp. Very informative.


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One thing I don't like about those micro-dose studies is that the highest micro-dose they studied was 0.2mg. I wish they would have tested 0.5mg.


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at about the 2 and a half point my acne began to flair up. Before that it was moderate and i'd only get one or two after boozing up on a saturday night.
Now it's just constant, hormonal induced acne, the under the skin red persistant acne that doesnt respond to topicals. On my neck ( gland area) on my back, and basically my beard area. I don't believe i have increased facial oil...i wash my face twice a day.

Zurealguy, do you mean 2 and a half months?

In my opinion getting one or two after boozing up on a Saturday night would be mild acne.
I know the type you are getting now is awful to deal with, I get flare ups too. There is nothing you can do with them as there are no heads, just deep imflammation.


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Well after reading links and information till my eyes ached, i am most definitelly going to lower my proscar dose. Not that i know the outcome, but it just seems a safer option, for me, when my loss is not extreme and i have the side effects making things worse.

So i'll be cutting proscar 5mg to .63 mg and not worrying about the crumbly powder bits that get lost.

So those who do read this post and may be in a similair situation to me, i encourage you to look into it (start by following Zimmy's link). But i guess i'll see how i go.

And yer, still post in here if you want to respond to my initial post, i'm still curious of other peoples thoughts on the matter.


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Cheaper finasteride

I have been using finasteride for 4/5 years with reasonable results, halting of hair loss with some thickening. For any UK posters buying from QHI and other online stores, have you ever considered going to your GP and asking him/her if they will prescribe 7 Proscar tablets each month? This is what I did, and so my finasteride costs are £6.40 per month collectable from any pharmacy. I also have ketoconazole (Nizoral) shampoo prescribed the same way, they are on a repeat prescription and it is even cheaper if you get an NHS presciption "season ticket" which is £32.90 for 4 months-probably about the same price as one month of finasteride from QHI. :D


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Thanks for that link bluenun.

I'm going to stick with my 0.5mg dose for now.