Cutting up proscar - I've come to this conclusion



My hair has got worse since I stopped taking the 1mg propecia pill.

I have used proscar for 5 months and cut it up into quarters/fifths.

Been on finasteride for about 1 year 3 months now.

Noticed jack sh*t. Not in a position to stop though.

Anyway, I don't like they way they are exposed to light. If you cut up a proscar pill into quarters/fifths, then that 1 pill is exposed for 3/4 days.

I think this will result in it losing it's effectiveness, thus becoming too risky to carry on doing imo. I feel I am taking a gamble. That's not good.

Not good at all.

I want to be safe. Safe in the knowledge that I am using the real thing and getting the maximum benefit out if it.

You lot can do what you want, but since no one knows 100% whether cutting up proscar is ok (because lets face it, you don't), I would prefer to be safe then sorry, even if it does mean paying extra for the "real thing".

Using and cutting up proscar is a gamble imo.

Everyone is taking a gamble and it isnt worth saving a few pence for.


It is not a few pence, it is five times the cost to buy propecia.

Can you show me any links or information about light penetrating into the inside of a cut piece proscar pill and leeching it's active ingredient?

And this information you have, does it indicate how long the process takes and how much efficacy is lost, how bright the light needs to be?

Also Merck make the oversight of cautioning that 'women should not handle broken or crushed finasteride', yet they fail to mention anything about these 'broken or crushed' pills loosing their efficacy.

What about minoxidil, should that be kept out of the light as well, maybe?
From now on I am going to wear a black plastic bin liner on my head after my minoxidil application just in case, after all nobody knows 100%

You say you have come to this conclusion, but you present no evidence, this is the kind of mis-information that plagued my early days in fighting hairloss and should not really be posted with out proof/research or at least theory.

P.S. did you know you can buy containers that do not allow light to penetrate, I know it sounds crazy but they actually exist!!


hair mchair

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This doesn't make sense to me. If you are worried about the Proscar pieces being exposed to light, why not put them in a container and store them away somewhere dark?


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I remember a long time ago my Dad read an article regarding I believe Tylenol, and for some reason cutting them up in halves to swallow easier or maybe it was just for a lower dosage isn't good. I can't remember why tho. Someone should email the makers of the product...although they may lie to stop people from using proscar instead of propecia lol.


hair mchair said:
This doesn't make sense to me. If you are worried about the Proscar pieces being exposed to light, why not put them in a container and store them away somewhere dark?

The number of people who complain about exposing proscar to light or air is ridiculous. It doesent take a genius to realise you can put the pieces in an empty vitamin bottle. Besides it doesent matter a rats *** anyway. Because in propecia trials the stump-tailed macques were given finasteride in powder form in there food.


This is how I know proscar cut into 1/4s work.

I´ve been taking them for almost 4 months (started march 20th) and I´m seeing this.

1) The hair on my back doesn´t grow back. I wax once every 5 weeks. It´s not andre agassi but it´s more then I want. I waxed 3 months ago and it just stopped growing.

2) The hair on my cheast - doesn´t grow as much as it used to. I used to shave my cheast every 4 days now I can go 2 weeks without thinking about it and now when I just checked I see spots that are as smooth as they where just after shaving.

3) I have less hairs on my arms. I never had much hair on my arms but it´s less now.

This means testosterone in the body is blocked and that means 1/4 of proscar works.


Zimmy said:
hair mchair said:
This doesn't make sense to me. If you are worried about the Proscar pieces being exposed to light, why not put them in a container and store them away somewhere dark?

The number of people who complain about exposing proscar to light or air is ridiculous. It doesent take a genius to realise you can put the pieces in an empty vitamin bottle. Besides it doesent matter a rats *** anyway. Because in propecia trials the stump-tailed macques were given finasteride in powder form in there food.

Yeah exactly i put mines in an empty vitamin bottle also,but first I put them in a little air tight baggie then in the bottle to be extra safe..Over the past 3 1/2 months ive cut my pills into 1/4ths and sometimes 1/5ths and i havent experienced any problems doing so. Just store the tabs in a air-tight container in cool dark place its that simple.And if you happen to mash your Tab into powder just put the powder on your finger tip and rub it between your teeth like they do Coke in the movies (lol) :D


Cause4Concern said:
Zimmy said:
hair mchair said:
This doesn't make sense to me. If you are worried about the Proscar pieces being exposed to light, why not put them in a container and store them away somewhere dark?

The number of people who complain about exposing proscar to light or air is ridiculous. It doesent take a genius to realise you can put the pieces in an empty vitamin bottle. Besides it doesent matter a rats *** anyway. Because in propecia trials the stump-tailed macques were given finasteride in powder form in there food.

Yeah exactly i put mines in an empty vitamin bottle also,but first I put them in a little air tight baggie then in the bottle to be extra safe..Over the past 3 1/2 months ive cut my pills into 1/4ths and sometimes 1/5ths and i havent experienced any problems doing so. Just store the tabs in a air-tight container in cool dark place its that simple.And if you happen to mash your Tab into powder just put the powder on your finger tip and rub it between your teeth like they do Coke in the movies (lol) :D

Agreed! If you guys are so worried about this exposure to air and light thing, which i think is one of the biggest myths around proscar, then do something like this, Get some aluminium foil wrap the cut pieces in it then put it in a vitamin container!

While were at it, give me proscar over propecia any day. Much less side effects for me (acne and libido) at 0.80mg proscar than 1mg propecia.


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I called my local pharmacist and he said Proscar does not lose any potency if it is cut up. Some drugs do lose their potency - he said it depends on the coating of the pill. He also said that Proscar has the same shelf life in its chopped up state.


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I pop my cut up proscar in a camera film case,snap top and dark

1 & half months in and only spots to show for it so far.........come on me little beautys


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Zimmy, you say much less side effects from 1mg to .8mg of finasteride. Do you think the absence of side effects indicates more DHT?


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been on proscar 6 months and all i have to say is that beyond shedding, what side effects. i've gotten none


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Whammy said:
I remember a long time ago my Dad read an article regarding I believe Tylenol, and for some reason cutting them up in halves to swallow easier or maybe it was just for a lower dosage isn't good. I can't remember why tho.

Personally, I find it difficult to believe that cutting Tylenols in half for easier swallowing would cause any kind of problem. I think someone was blowing smoke! :lol: The only conceivable reason NOT to do that with a medication (or possibly even a vitamin formulation) is if it's designed to be a time-release formulation. Cutting one of those into pieces would defeat the purpose of the time-release. But that's the only exception I can think of.

BTW, I'll go you one even better than that: if you find it difficult to swallow a pill or capsule, then use your head and simply CHEW IT UP AND SWALLOW (unless it's time-release)! There's no law that says just because something comes in a tablet or a capsule, you MUST swallow it whole! :wink:

One final comment on the problem of using light-shielded containers: if there's any suspicion at all that the bottle you're using to hold your medications, drugs, whatever isn't keeping the light out, then simply wrap the bottle in aluminum foil. If you do that, then NOT ONE SINGLE PHOTON OF LIGHT will get through!


hair mchair

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david60176 said:
I called my local pharmacist and he said Proscar does not lose any potency if it is cut up. Some drugs do lose their potency - he said it depends on the coating of the pill. He also said that Proscar has the same shelf life in its chopped up state.

There you go. This should be in the FAQ for the newbs.


fifty said:
Zimmy, you say much less side effects from 1mg to .8mg of finasteride. Do you think the absence of side effects indicates more DHT?

Nope dont think so, because there is very little diffirence between 0.5mg and 1mg of finasteride. Very, very minimal between 1mg and 0.8mg in the inhibition of DHT.

Its just for some bizarre reason that makes no sense to me, I get much less acne on proscar at 0.8mg than I did on propecia at 1mg AND 0.5mg propecia and ive tried many diffirent dosages over several years. I dont undestand why, makes no sense at all. Ive also never noticed any diffirence in my hair or any shedding between taking propecia and proscar, yet I do notice a diffirence in sides.


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How long does it take for you to notice the difference in sides? (I bet you already know where I'm headed with this!)


hair mchair

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Bryan said:
How long does it take for you to notice the difference in sides? (I bet you already know where I'm headed with this!)


I don't. Where are you headed with this?


Bryan said:
How long does it take for you to notice the difference in sides? (I bet you already know where I'm headed with this!)


I think its irrelevant how quickly I notice sides, as the acne while on propecia did not go away over 2 years! 2 years! Until I switched to proscar. While on proscar at 0.8mg its like night and day with how little acne I get and ive used proscar for a considerable time as well and tried many diffirent dosages. I switched back to propecia late last year at 0.5mg lo and behold for 3.5 months really bad acne again. Back on proscar again and acne is barely noticeable. :shock: