CVS brand minoxidil


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I was using kirkland for like 4-5 months and ran out before I could get another shipment of it. So I got some of this cvs stuff and now my hairs are falling out a bit. They were doing pretty well on the kirkland. It may be due to school starting, I don't know. Thoughts on cvs brand?


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BostonHawk said:
I was using kirkland for like 4-5 months and ran out before I could get another shipment of it. So I got some of this cvs stuff and now my hairs are falling out a bit. They were doing pretty well on the kirkland. It may be due to school starting, I don't know. Thoughts on cvs brand?

Sorry, I have never used CVS brand. I do have a question for you, where is the CVS brand made? I use Sam's Club MembersMark and it is made in Canada. The reason I ask is that I suspect that only a few companies, if not just one make all the generics.

So if we knew that maybe we could figure out which generic brands are good by comparing notes. If it helps, I have not had a shed or problems with the MembersMark brand and I have used it for almost two years.

Nixon's Head

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To my knowledge there are only two companies that are making generic minoxidil. I think there names are Alpharma and Perigino (or something like that) (I think that Perigio is the Canadian one) (I could get up and find out what they are exactly but im lazy--and fat--and impotent, not that it matters because my genitals are so very small). Those two manufature almost all the store brands--for example alpahrma manufatures for walmart, sam club, etc and perigino for target, kroger, fred myer, etc. The only difference is the box. Alpharma makes it and Walmart gets one with the equate brand on it and sams club gets it with membersmark or whaterver.
same thing with perigino they send the same product to traget and kroger but target gets one with traget brand on it and kroger get it with kroger on it. What you should do is look for who makes it for costco (kirkland) and either post it here and I'll tell you where you can get it or do it yourself. I tell you this because there are some who claim that there are diffences in the generics--or at the very minimum, that you shouldn't just capriciously switch brands all the time. i.e. that you hair gets used to one brand of generic and if you switch then it kinds of shocks you hair a little bit. I myself dont beleve this. The FDA strickly regulates generic drugs--no variation allowed. That said, just to be on the safe side, find a cheap brand that you like and stick with it if at all possible. But if you couldnt get that brand one month whatever you do dont skip a month or so until you can. It cant make THAT much difference.