Cyling Between Finasteride and Dutasteride


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This question has sort of been asked before, but no definitive answer seems to be given. Just a general, "Why would you want to do that?" response.

Well here's the thing -- I'm not getting the results from Finast. that I want. I think I might be maintaining, I had a full head of hair when I started, my 11 month mark passed three days ago, and it seems like this is the most diffuse it's been since I started. Perhaps I would have been worse if I never did anything; I don't know. The minoxidil. hasn't thickened up the hair it seems, except all the places on my body I don't want it to.

I have strong mid-digital hair now, everything. Some hair on my back. I was hoping proscar would thin my body hair, clear up my face, but I did the opposite on both fronts. I just started Retin-A for my zits a week ago, and I'm all inflamed with huge zits that are being forced out.

Point is, I want to try Dutast. I have about five months of Proscar left, and it looks like my mom got some for me from overseas, so who knows? Maybe I have a full year's worth...

I don't have the cash right now to lay out funds for Dutas., even for one month's worth. I'm saving that 40 bucks, say for something else. I want to clear up my skin, too, before seeing the effects of Dutas on my face.

Anyway, when I get this stuff in two-three months or so, can I alternate days between finasteride. and dutasteride.? i don't think it would hurt, woud it? one day i would block type I with 70% of DHT, the next day 90%, and both types, right? in theory, i could probably do dutasteride. every other day on its own, but filling in with finasteride. on the off days couln't hurt I'm thinking. But I don't know, so that's why I'm asking.

Also, if oily skin and zits and such result from DHT production, or so I've read both here and off-line, wouldn't reducing DHT reduce zits. I know for many people, finasteride. often clears them up, which is in keeping with what i just said, but if it reduces DHT, why am I getting more zits? that's what scares me, and leads me to believe I'm not reducing DHT at all, and am continuing to lose my hair.

I'm esp. concerned because I only use minoxidil. once a day, and it makes my heart beat faster. i want to go off minoxidil., go on dutasteride. and see better/more hair. Don't know if that's possible, though.

And finally, I'm curious about what you guys think the percentage of non-responders to dutasteride. are. While most people who respond well wouldn't come back here, I've read about some guys who say it doesn't work. That scares me, esp. having poor results with Propecia. And I will ride out the sheds, as I'm sure it's a good thing.

I know that's a lot of questions for one post. Guys?


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Well harey dutasteride stays in your blood for a lot longer than finasteride so it's not going to work like that! :lol:

Do some more searching...............


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Oni, where abouts is dutasteride helping most.... Vertex? Frontal??....
How long did it take before you confidently said dutasteride is working for me?
Thanks man


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why would it make no sense? i have a supply of finasteride that i don't want to just throw away...if i just alternate days, wouldn't it be better than just taking dutasteride every other day? which itself would probably give some results?

or think of it this way, taking finasteride. every day is one thing. if you substituted every other day with dutasteride., wouldn't it just be that much better?

after i finish my finasteride. supply, i would switch to dutasteride. every day.


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also, anyone know about my question with why a reduction of DHT would cause acne, when it should be the reverse. and is there any correlation between those who get acne on finasteride or dutasteride., and those who don't respond.

because if most people clear up their skin with the reduction of DHT, as basic science tells us, why do some people break out? and does that mean that you're really not reducing DHT, or enough of it?

i've been on this sh*t for 11 months, so it's not going to regulate itself. i'm on retin-a now, but if i switch to dutasteride., the acne may get even worse to the point where R.A. might not help.