Dad Bald At 26, I'm Thinning Fast At 23, Do I Stand A Chance?


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Basically my dad was bald by 26 in a nw5 pattern. I don't know him well enough to know if he tried anything to stop it. But I'm 23 and thinning out in my temples pretty damn quick and lose a good 100 hairs just in the shower not to mention what just falls if I touch my head and what I find on the pillow. Gotta be 300+ hairs a day. It still looks okay at the time of this post, but it really seems to be picking up speed. What scares me is I have most of my fathers genes, and my hair type looks identical, so all signs point to worst case scenario. Shedding, itching, noticeable thinning in temples which seems to be making its way over, and obvious genetics. Saw a derm, had my blood tested and once he gets the results we will talk about finasteride. I'm pretty set on taking it but, being that I'm 23, and if I'm following suit to my dad that gives me 3 years (till 26 like he was) off treatment to be slick bald, is finasteride going to be able to maintain or even slow this down enough to get me into my 30s? It just seems so aggressive that even if I respsond to finasteride it maybe not be enough. But is it possible? Thoughts appreciated

Picture is of current thinning in left temple, which seems to be the most noticeable, but it's most definitely happening everywhere.


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Your hair line looks great. How's your crown?

Do you have pictures of your father at 23? Do you have any paternal uncles that are balding? Any balding on your mothers side?

You do have a 2x increased risk of balding due to your father balding over the general population but all you can do at this point is watch it.


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Hmm, hard to say yet, your hairline is really strong still if I saw you in the street there's no way I would think you were balding, I think you'll have to wait around 6 months and compare at that point to know for sure.


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No pictures of him at 23, just around 20 and he looks like he has everything still. No uncles to compare. Moms side is strong, but I didn't inherit much from that side it seems. And my crown seems to be okay for now. And I know my hairline looks okay, but it's the thinning in the corners and the large sheds that have me on edge. With good reason I think


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Here's my hairline, doesn't look horrible but it's most definitely receded, and the thinning in the corners is really bad in the light. I'm on break at work right now and ran my hand through my hair a few times and no joke about 30 hairs fell onto my lap. Clumps if you will. This has really got me down, and because of how fast it's happening im really beginning to think there's no hope


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Running my hand through my hair for 10 man....


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Top. Not the answer I'd like to give...I hope finasteride can help...stressing like crazy lol


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Top. Not the answer I'd like to give...I hope finasteride can help...stressing like crazy lol
I was losing a TON of hair when I ran my hands through it, hoped on finasteride and haven't lost any in 6 years, don't stress yourself out bro


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First stage is denial. Once u get past that and calm down theres plenty options. My hair fell out like crazy when i hit 19.. still does. 30 now and still in good shape :) finasteride works well for many

g.i joey

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Hair is still thick as a mfer. Something tells me hairloss won't be an issue for you for at least a decade if you get on finasteride.


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I wish I could say that or think that it's true. I know a lot of people freak out when they recede or whatever, but it seems as though my dad lost all of his extremely quickly, and it seems to following suit for me. I wish I could explain how fast my hair thinned in the corners and really how much hair is falling, especially today. It's crazy. Every time I run my fingers through my hair it's more and more. It's never been this bad. It's been like 5-6x the picture that I posted up above...

Edit: it's not just on top, seems to be quite a few from the sides and back above the neck as well.


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I really appreciate the positive replies about finasteride, it does help to hear some positivity


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Shed like crazy again today about the same as yesterday maybe more. I've been shedding a lot for some time now, maybe a year or so but these past 2 days have been ridiculous, 2-3x what I normally do. It's pretty alarming. But, I'm hoping it's from overusing (or my body not liking) nizoral. I started 2 weeks ago, using every other day, so 3 times a week, and my head has been pretty itchy for the past few days and along with hairs falling seems to be a lot of dandruff, also my hands are dried out in between my fingers so it seems to add up, or my brain just wants it to lol. But I'm gonna stay away from it until the shed (hopefully) stops and maybe go to once a week.

Does this sound as if it could be due to nizoral ?


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2 months and a couple days in on finasteride and minoxidil once a day. Just cut my hair with the same clippers as in the original picture. I'm fairly certain it looks thicker because of the light, but I do believe I'm shedding less. Or, it may seem that way because I try not to pay attention to it. I actually thought it was getting worse because my hairline still sucks imo, until I came back here to see the pictures. Now I feel like I may be maintaining. I think it looks much better after about 2 weeks growing it out and cutting the sides again, but after about 2 months it's too long, and cutting it down this short let's me compare anyway. Staying happy if I can stay at this point


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I don't see anything wrong. Maybe some what thinner on the corner but looks good. Keep an eye on it.