And of course, the best rated comment is:
....'Going bald? Shave it all off.'....
Yeah right, and after that, make sure to mock that very same person you gave that advice to for being bald.
Really couldn't agree more with this. Quoted for 100% TRUTH.
Anyone who's struggled with genuine hairloss and tried to shave their head must surely know this pain.
Finally reaching some kind of level of self-acceptance, shaving your head and showing some balls and courage to live with your condition (a beautiful thing right?)... only then to be mocked, ridiculed and derided, even by members of your own family and those closest to you.
Zero empathy, Zero sympathy, Zero understanding. Doesn't matter how unshakeable, confident and positive you are (I like to think I am 90% of time in public) when your own family practically turn on you and tell you how s**t and ugly you look with a shaved head it really crushes you.
Sure, getting dirty looks and the occasional public jokes from random strangers is bad, but I expected that and knew it was coming, but not from my own f**king family, for me this lack of empathy from those closest to you is by far and away the worst aspect of baldness, which totally crushed my confidence and self-esteem.
Their behaviour and attitude towards me completely validated EVERYTHING that is said on this forum with regards to social stigma and baldness. You can't really appreciate it, until you've lived it as a shaved nw4+ ... patronising as I know that sounds, it is unfortunately true.
Before I reached that point, I always knew the social stigma was going to be bad, just not THAT bad. Nothing prepares you for your own, otherwise very loving family, showing such a complete lack of understanding or empathy. It was mindblowing.
Unless you are that 5% guy with fantastic headshape, model jawline and facial features, it's very likely you too will struggle with the shaved look.
Also what these "just shave it bro" tards don't get is that (in western europe at least) the shaved look is COMPLETELY INCOMPATIBLE with today's trends and hair styles. We're not living in the early 00s anymore when Beckham, Statham, Vin Diesel and every guy on the street was shaving their heads. Thesedays, every guy is walking around with Bieber or One Direction hair stylesm, which basically flaunt the fact that they're full heads to the max and make bald shaved head guys stick out even more.
Name me one male hearthrob, who has broken through THIS decade, who sports a shaved bald head??? I mean bald. not a nw1 shadow... there just aren't any, the look is completely off trend and decades out of fashion, which only makes the socail stigma worse and leads casual gawkers to believe you're either a mental patient/paedo/sex offender/serial killer/far right, violent, racist, unemployed thug... take your pick?... It's simply not an option for this current generation, unless you have a headshape like Freddy Ljungberg.