Damage to hair from excessive drinking


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Recently been reading about the negative effects of drinking alcohol on the hair which was in one of the British newspapers. They state that as alcohol is a diuretic, alcohol can dehydrate the body, making hair brittle, dry and liable to break. It also depleates the body of nutrients and can cause a deficiency of zinc leading to hairloss.

Since i like the occasional heavy session the above leads me to believe that taking a supplement of zinc before passing out or in the morning should minimise any damage.

A little tip for anyone who goes on the piss while having to get up early for work or needs to study - When you get up after drinking the night before and you need to use your brain, take vitamin B5 which will help counter the general lack of concentration and memory loss that follows due to drinking.

Have a nice day :D


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Yeah, i'm pretty sure it is.


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mmm.... the piss