Damm, my morale got low


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I need to take this off my chest.

A week ago i shaved my hair to a #2 which i have posted in the Men´s discussion "ahh, i´ve shaved my hair".

I now realized that my scalp doesn´t grow as fast as the sides which makes it noticeable for everyone to see. I was in the pub a few hours ago and i didn´t felt well, being with my friends and other people of my age with great heads of hair (i´m 24 years old). There´s some people that look at me in a strange way, like giving me the look "this guy already balding, what a loser!".

I´m starting to feel bad being in situations like this and i´m anxious until my hair grows again till it covers my scalp since i still have a full head of hair when grown.

I realized that i´m the only one in my group that doesn´t has a g/f and it has been like this for 7 years and my hope to hook up with a girl is starting to fade. I never got long spells with g/f so i guess my karma is to stay single.

It´s incredible how i was good looking a few years ago with alot of girls checking me out, but my social skills suck and didn´t land me girlfriends...now with baldness how am i supposed to impress them? It´s over i guess.

I feel very lonely, although i work and study at night, practice sports and go out at night. When i was a kid i thought i would be out with my friends getting drunk every weekend,chasing girls but i´m too far away from that.

I don´t like discos and i´m scared to go out sometimes even if it´s only to go drink coffee.

My right ear doesn´t function since i got a disease when i was about 3 years old (it´s that disease here you get your face swollen) and if that was already a good thing now i´m going bald.

If you remember my posts, i think they all have some optimistic opinion on it but this doesn´t...the cold fact it me this week that the majority of my life will be bald. It´s incredible my karma...nothing good seems to happen to me altough i try for things to be better.

Well mates, i´m sorry about this very pessimistic post but i only hope HM works and that it will cure our problems altough my hopes are starting to fade away since no one finds a cure and Intercytex doesn´t say anything about their phase II trials.

Well, if my social life wasn´t good with great hair now i think things will go downhill from here.

We can only hope someone finds a cure...


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sorry to hear that dude,i am in the same posistion has you ,i am 27 years old and also think my lifes over,hope things get better for you


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They are not staring at you, or even thinking, "Hey, this kid is a loser because he's balding." It's easy to think like this, but it's a very distorted observation of reality.

What is the reality?

It's you. You are not your hair.

You're the personality that you exude. This is America, for Christ's sake! People (intelligent people...) do NOT judge you on the basis of your looks, but by the quality and energy of your character.

I realized after reading this post that you're already a champion. You just seem to be hitting a low spot. It's easy for me to say this, but try to keep upbeat. Things will turn, just as they always do in life.

Remember, you're not your hair.


To the thread starter: why should you feel inferior about your right ear not functioning? It's not like everyone can see it straight away. Let me tell you a bit about my problems: I was born with 5 fingers on both of my hands, but the thumb of my right hand didn't develop right and it had to be removed. Now what they did was they took the index finger and placed it into the place of my thumb. So I have been basically living looking like a freak because of this, having 4 fingers isn't exactly the standard. It doesn't look pretty either and there was a time when I was constantly hiding my right hand and thought that no one would notice. Of course they did notice... I feel the same about balding, I think I'm hiding it pretty well but I'm sure people can tell. If some of my friends would tell me that you're going bald or that you're balding, I'd buzz it straight away. End of.


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antonio666 said:
sorry to hear that dude,i am in the same posistion has you ,i am 27 years old and also think my lifes over,hope things get better for you

you're 27! You're not a kid anymore but a man. So it's reasonable to go bald.

You're thinking that life would never end and you'd stay the same for the rest of your life. Soon you start balding you freak'd out because you lost many years and achieved so low.

Sorry if i was hard on you but that's the truth. Now you want your hair back so you can think again you're immortal. Well take a pic of yourself and look at it. You'll realize the mirror does not tell how old we are.

I have the same behaviour lots of time. Dont be ashame about it. You can speak.


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FabioM said:
I need to take this off my chest.
A week ago i shaved my hair to a #2 which i have posted in the Men´s discussion "ahh, i´ve shaved my hair".

I now realized that my scalp doesn´t grow as fast as the sides which makes it noticeable for everyone to see. I was in the pub a few hours ago and i didn´t felt well, being with my friends and other people of my age with great heads of hair (i´m 24 years old). There´s some people that look at me in a strange way, like giving me the look "this guy already balding, what a loser!".

Did'nt I post this would happen :wink:

Been there myself. :(

hair today gone tomorrow

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IBM said:
antonio666 said:
sorry to hear that dude,i am in the same posistion has you ,i am 27 years old and also think my lifes over,hope things get better for you

you're 27! You're not a kid anymore but a man. So it's reasonable to go bald.

You're thinking that life would never end and you'd stay the same for the rest of your life. Soon you start balding you freak'd out because you lost many years and achieved so low.

Sorry if i was hard on you but that's the truth. Now you want your hair back so you can think again you're immortal. Well take a pic of yourself and look at it. You'll realize the mirror does not tell how old we are.

I have the same behaviour lots of time. Dont be ashame about it. You can speak.

just like a mirror...pictures can lie too.


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Aplunk said:
This is America, for Christ's sake! People (intelligent people...) do NOT judge you on the basis of your looks, but by the quality and energy of your character.

Funny how you should add the America part though. Because if there's any place in this world where people are judged based on appearance, it's certainly America...... Not saying Canada is any better though. We're all affected here in Toronto too.

FabioM, I highly doubt people are looking at you and thinking you're a loser. Many people have this paranoia that everyone's watching you, but the reality is, NO ONE'S watching you. Unless you have some sort of deformity (hair loss is far from being a deformity) or you're just asking for attention, then most people won't even bother to look at you.


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kalbo said:
Aplunk said:
This is America, for Christ's sake! People (intelligent people...) do NOT judge you on the basis of your looks, but by the quality and energy of your character.

Funny how you should add the America part though. Because if there's any place in this world where people are judged based on appearance, it's certainly America...... Not saying Canada is any better though. We're all affected here in Toronto too.

FabioM, I highly doubt people are looking at you and thinking you're a loser. Many people have this paranoia that everyone's watching you, but the reality is, NO ONE'S watching you. Unless you have some sort of deformity (hair loss is far from being a deformity) or you're just asking for attention, then most people won't even bother to look at you.

How long have you lived in America?

You're exacerbating a myth. Americans aren't so shallow to judge everyone on the basis of appearance. If you've lived here long enough to see that, you'll know that it comes down to credentials and personality.


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Aplunk said:
kalbo said:
Aplunk said:
This is America, for Christ's sake! People (intelligent people...) do NOT judge you on the basis of your looks, but by the quality and energy of your character.

Funny how you should add the America part though. Because if there's any place in this world where people are judged based on appearance, it's certainly America...... Not saying Canada is any better though. We're all affected here in Toronto too.

FabioM, I highly doubt people are looking at you and thinking you're a loser. Many people have this paranoia that everyone's watching you, but the reality is, NO ONE'S watching you. Unless you have some sort of deformity (hair loss is far from being a deformity) or you're just asking for attention, then most people won't even bother to look at you.

How long have you lived in America?

You're exacerbating a myth. Americans aren't so shallow to judge everyone on the basis of appearance. If you've lived here long enough to see that, you'll know that it comes down to credentials and personality.

I know, it's mainly just a stereotype that all Americans are shallow when it comes to appearance, but there is a bit of truth to it. I've been to places where people walk the streets wearing what ever they want (slippers, ripped up and stained t-shirts) and no one would look down on them. Women go around with no make up on and wouldn't even consider plastic surgery. Men won't bother to fix their hair or wear in-style clothing, yet still manage to get dates.... And if heaven forbid, they start losing their hair, then they wouldn't be searching the internet for drugs to get their hair back.

I haven't ever lived in America, but I've lived in Toronto my whole life and I don't think we're much different when it comes to this. It's a relief to go to places where people aren't so shallow and you won't feel like you're being judged based on appearance.


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hhm.. well.. its always fun to play the hermit, anti social type, and just not go out. Or.. buy a nice baseball cap, your not gona have a girl anyways to kiss, so you might as well wear a hat, I see people wearing hats all the time in bars, ther probably thinning to.

anyways.. yeah.. tonight i have to go out again, my hair will look like crap, and im going with a girl so i cant wear a hat. plus i dont have a nice cap yet. so yeah..i have to kinda tough it out.. but yeah.. in a month my hair will be better..

i always get more faith when i see my hair growing back, if yours isnt you should try different regimes. especially natural products. none of this, 6-12 months trial stuff..

besides ive just been adding one thing after the other and its working fast.


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Aplunk said:
They are not staring at you, or even thinking, "Hey, this kid is a loser because he's balding." It's easy to think like this, but it's a very distorted observation of reality.

What is the reality?

It's you. You are not your hair.

You're the personality that you exude. This is America, for Christ's sake! People (intelligent people...) do NOT judge you on the basis of your looks, but by the quality and energy of your character.

I realized after reading this post that you're already a champion. You just seem to be hitting a low spot. It's easy for me to say this, but try to keep upbeat. Things will turn, just as they always do in life.

Remember, you're not your hair.

You are right, nobody judges people by looks. That is why everyone is facinated with Paris Hilton, because of her great mind.

This is why you see ugly people hooking up with great looking people all the time, because looks don't matter. :roll:


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Aplunk said:
You're exacerbating a myth. Americans aren't so shallow to judge everyone on the basis of appearance. If you've lived here long enough to see that, you'll know that it comes down to credentials and personality.

Yes its unfair to say that all Americans are shallow but it does seem like some of America's society are more than making up for the less shallow ones, the US is the most image conscious country on earth and Britain is fast becoming just the same. Any flaw on a celebrity is instantly picked upon by the media and people are going to more elaberate lengths than ever to alter appearances.
There are plenty of guys on here who are prime examples.
CCS is obsesional about it it seems that he's dissatified with every part of his body and has researched to an unhealthy degree as to different ways to attain physical perfection.
Whilst someone like Taug just sees himself as 100% ugly when he is perfectly fine.