damn minoxidil shed


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Well guys I am just sick to my stomach over the stupid stupid mistake I made a couple months ago. I jumped on finasteride/minoxidil/nizoral and after 4 months I thickened my hair incredibly. Keep in mind no one even noticed I was thinning before except me and especially not after. In January I decided stupidly to quit the minoxidil because I didn't want to jack with it the rest of my life and didn't know about hte dreaded minoxidil shed and quit and right now my hair went to complete hell in about 3 1/2 months. Realizing this about 3 weeks ago I jumped on the foam after using the liquid 5% xandrox before and just got a haircut tonight and it looks the worst it ever has after looking awesome and thick 4 months ago.....damn. Keep in mind my hairline is still in tack probably a 1.5 but the thinning is in the temples above the hairline. What do you think are the odds of thickening this hair back up to its normal state before I quit minoxidil?? I am just so damn depressed right now I can't do anything and am so pissed I quit. My results probably would have been phenominal by now if I would have kept it going.


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anyone??? I would love to hear if anyone rebounded or got on minoxidil again and got it back a second time. :cry:


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I had a massive minoxidil shed as well. It lasted for nearly 3 months and my hair degraded extremely fast. However most of it grew back, but you have to understand some of it doesn't grow back as thick.


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thanks for the reply man....did you get your shed after quitting minoxidil?? Also if so, did you get back on minoxidil to get most of it back?? How long did it take to get it back??