Dandruff and hair loss

Rodolfo Valentin

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My name is Kelly and I am a 22 year old girl- When I was 15 I had a bald spot (alopecia)form on the top of my head, but I applied some lotion that my medical doctor prescibed and my hair grew back. Then when I started College 5 years ago, I observed a gradual amount of hair loss. Then 3 years ago I started applying a hair straightener and that induced more hair loss. Then last year I got my hair substance straightened.. But now- I have ended applying the straightening iron for the past 4-5 months, the chemical sorted part of my hair grew out- so I trim my hair short- But I still continue to lose hair!!! When my hair is wet, you can view that my hair is thin in the front middle of my head.

My mom has also experienced hair loss- but I think that has to do with the menopause. My sister is also suffering from a great amount of hair loss- but she has never applied a hair straightner or done anything chemically to her hair except wash it with shampoo.

I have observed an maximize in dandruff- it forms in large spots on my head. I have been using Head and Shoulders- but that appears to only make the dandruff more visible.

I understand that this is a very long post- but I am going out of my mind- hair is a important thing for any girl!

Armando Jose

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Try eclipta alba (bhringraj) in oil lotion plus jojoba, make rest your hair of straightener.


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I wash my hair at least once daily with no probs. I use a # of natural shampoos though...and a conditioner-type product once in a while called The Ultimate Scalp Defense.

Armando Jose

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"extremely necessary" what is the meaning??

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"extremely necessary" what is the meaning??

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"extremely necessary" what is the meaning??

BTWRastafaris have a hair very oiled but without common baldness.



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I experienced hair thinness from dandruff. I had reoccuring danduff near my crown area for a about a decade or so. I applied sulfur to the area twice a week, and my dandruff problems subsided, and my hair grew back somewhat, but it's still thinner area when compared to the rest of my hair.


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Hair Loss and dandruff are something that can happen with anyone. To an extend, hair loss is normal, but if you think your hair loss is more than that normal level then don’t wait to get an expert consultation. I had similar issues in the past and I worried about it a lot too. But just worrying do nothing other than making it worse. I consulted hair loss treatment specialist Dr.Simmonds of chtc.ca in Toronto. A few months of treatment with him made my condition a lot better. Getting proper advice and treatment from experts at the right time can cure any hair problems.

Armando Jose

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What treatment did you use?

BTW "Getting proper advice and treatment from experts at the right time can cure any hair problems."

I like your comment "at the right time" because IMHO it is impossible regain the hair lost decades ago Only recent hairloss not more than 30 monts approx..


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I just want to share that I noticed I am losing less hair after using a different hair brush. My new one is actually seen on television as magic brush - the bristles are placed closer to each other and are smaller and shorter.


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Excessive Dandruff problem also lead to hair loss problem. there lot cure available in the market that has been declare as best cure dandruff issue.


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Neem has been used as a medicine for its natural antiseptic properties. Make a thick paste by grinding neem leaves in a food processor and apply this paste to the scalp and leave for 10 minutes then wash off with water. Leaves of neem can also be boiled in water and the water can be used for washing hair. This method is equally effective in keeping dandruff at bay.

Take a small amount of white sour curd or yogurt and leave it in the open for a day or two for fermentation. Whisk the curd and apply it to your scalp and hair like a mask and leave it on for an hour. Rinse it thoroughly with a mild shampoo. The acidic quality of the curd not only helps combat dandruff, but conditions it to give it a shiny, soft texture.

Take a spoonful of baking soda and rub it thoroughly inyour wet hair and scalp. Leave it on for a minute and then wash it off. Continuethis four times a week for a few weeks. The results take a time to appear, butthis one is sure remedy for flakes.


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dandurff and hair loss

hello kelly,
My personal advice ,don't use any straightener or chemical products..because it will damaged your hair and makes it dry..Try to use some home remedies and if possible get doctor advice..I personally use Lemon for my hair

Neem : Neem has antifungal and antibacterial qualities and since dandruff is most commonly associated with fungal colonization of scalp, these remedy would help you fight dandruff. However it is always adviced to use the diluted version of neem (neem boiled in water).

aloe vera: mildly exfoliates the skin, Alovera extracts can be directly applied in the scalp and then wash it off with a mild shampoo, This will also provide relief from inflammation.
Lemon: Lemon is acidic in nature and has abundant of vitamin C which helps to keep dandruff away. Take the lemon juice and apply it on your scalp or you can also take raw lemon slices and rob on your scalp and then leave it for 10-15 minutes and wash it off.
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Personally, I have tried apple cider vinegar. It is one of the effective ways in getting rid of dandruff. It can also help to clean hair follicles and works as hair clarifier.


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Personally, I have tried apple cider vinegar. It is one of the effective ways in getting rid of dandruff. It can also help to clean hair follicles and works as hair clarifier.

My father tried apple vinegar to get rid of dandruff. It never helped, so I think it's effect differs.


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Dandruff is the one of the reason of hair fall there is a lot of treatment for dandruff like shampoo , oil. But I think home remedies are best for this. And If your problem is not solve after this then you should consult with the hair specialist doctor.

Bradley Fowler

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My name is Kelly and I am a 22 year old girl- When I was 15 I had a bald spot (alopecia)form on the top of my head, but I applied some lotion that my medical doctor prescibed and my hair grew back. Then when I started College 5 years ago, I observed a gradual amount of hair loss. Then 3 years ago I started applying a hair straightener and that induced more hair loss. Then last year I got my hair substance straightened.. But now- I have ended applying the straightening iron for the past 4-5 months, the chemical sorted part of my hair grew out- so I trim my hair short- But I still continue to lose hair!!! When my hair is wet, you can view that my hair is thin in the front middle of my head.

My mom has also experienced hair loss- but I think that has to do with the menopause. My sister is also suffering from a great amount of hair loss- but she has never applied a hair straightner or done anything chemically to her hair except wash it with shampoo.

I have observed an maximize in dandruff- it forms in large spots on my head. I have been using Head and Shoulders- but that appears to only make the dandruff more visible.

I understand that this is a very long post- but I am going out of my mind- hair is a important thing for any girl!

Hi, have you tried any natural products for your hair problem?


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Please check out manesbymark.mymonat.com . All products are all natural, completely sulfate and paraben free and focus first on preventing further hair damage, then rejuvenating existing hair, and promoting hair growth. Feel free to contact me at jorgensen.mark.k@gmail.com so I can help you select the right products for your hair.