Dandruff still back (SIGH)


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Just to repeat:

I started generic CVS minoxidil in May 2003. (It never regrew or thickened, but I'm afraid to drop it. Who knows what it's doing that I'm not aware of....) The reaction was a very mild itch and slight dandruff that eventually went away. However, I often had an itchiness near the "swirl" area in the back (which was strange because that wasn't really where I was putting the stuff--it was just behind it). Also, there was usually that gross "build-up" in that spot that I would be picking off. You know, that flaky gunk. Disgusting.

I started Nizoral this May and generic Fincar the following month. To my delight, the Nizoral completely erased the gunk and itch within a month. So I thought that conditions were perfect to find out whether I was a finasteride responder. However, I foolishly began to get careless with the minoxidil, applying it only once a day and eventually not at all when it ran out a month and a half ago. For about a month, I didn't use it at all. Then I began to get a little anxious, and so went to the nearest Duane Reade. All they had was brand-name Rogaine, which I dished out $30 for. I had never used Rogaine before, but assumed there was no difference between it and generics.

However, I am now beginning to question this. Immeditately, the dandruff returned, and much stronger than before. Also, a ridge between the front and the crown frequently itches. (Oddly, *also* not where it is being directly applied, though runoff certainly goes there.) This has been going on for about two weeks now.

However, at least so far there has been none of that gunky stuff in the back. I really hope that doesn't return, too.

The frustrating thing is not knowing whether all this is a reaction to getting back on minoxidil after a month break, or if indeed Rogaine is formulaically different from generic. I'm worried because if my scalp is suddenly flaky again, would this interfere with any benefits the finasteride might bring? Jeeziz....

I wonder why this could happen when I never stopped using the Nizoral. Shouldn't that have "headed off" the negative minoxidil effects? In response I've started using it two days in a row, instead of once every two days.

Any insight or suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated.


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What up Jaygee,

I had been using Nizoral for sometime with some improvement. I would still wake up in the morning with that itchy sensation. Well, I went out and bought some Head & Shoulders Dandruff Shampoo, Intensive Treatment, and use on my off days from Nizoral. Man, it has made a huge difference and my scalp feels GREAT!!! No more itch and no more FLAKES!

Good luck,
Tony M.


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Thanks, brasil. If the flaking doesn't go away after another week or so I will try just that.

Does anyone have any thoughts on the Rogaine vs. generics issue, or any other possible reason for this resurgence?