Dante And Fred, I Think You Will Understand This Video


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I honestly relate to it a lot as well, although I revert back to my natural idealist state when alone. The video mainly depicts me when I'm with others. Going to college campus today and proudly walking around with a norwood 6 grown out halfway down to my shoulders. Just lol at ever connecting with others or not feeling inferior.

They are honestly right on the mark, at least for me. However us bald men are completely different in that no one wants to be kind or give us a hug or even think of us as equal to them lol.

I had an epic panic attack the other day thinking about all this lol. Got too stoned and had my friend drive me to the gas station, just so i could walk off at 12 pm in front of the closed mall so I could escape. Lol f*****g cops and security drove by . . . like I gave a f*** about them at that moment lol. All I had to say was "i'm having issues, i'm not causing trouble" lol.


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They should do one about optimists. Their judgement is so far from reality.

Anyway I've been a cynic all my life. People have always called me a pessimist. I feel I see things as they are, and other people are just constantly optimistic. Which seems a better way to live but I'm simply not capable.

But there are good things about being a cynic as well. I'm rarely disappointed, I have better judgement and I can be funny when I explain my views on things. And I don't take things too seriously, at the end of the day we're all fucked.

I see all these people desperately hanging onto things. Even all my 'atheist' friends have some sort of theory as to how death isn't the end. I wish I could fool myself, I just can't.


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"Cynical" is merely a synonym for "realistic". Pain is the best teacher, and will help anyone open their eyes about people and society. Were I attractive, and if people had treated me with respect, without mocking, rejecting and humiliating me, I would probably be a different person.

you're being cynical dude. :p


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There are two types of cynicism, realist cynicism, neither optimistic nor pessimistic, and pessimistic cynicism, always expecting the worst and believing the worst possible reality.
I suspect Fred and Hellouser are more the realistic cynics and Dante the more pessimistic (though still often correct) cynic.
Optimism is for people who have had good lives, good experiences and realistic reason for hope. For people with tough lives and bad prospects, optimism is just cruel.