Darvocet is now banned, causes Heart Failure death!!!!!!!!!


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yeah it's pretty scary

I'm thinking of giving up dutasteride and just going bald because I'm just getting too scared at what this drug might be doing to me in the long run. I just don't think it's worth the stress.


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I remember good old Terfenadine, now that was a good antihistamine and it worked for me. Then they took it off the market "due to the risk of cardiac arrhythmia caused by QT interval prolongation". :(


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I guess that is a good reason to take as low a dose of finasteride or dutasteride as possible

recently switched from every other day to every third day....


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finfighter said:
After being aproved by the FDA for safety and being on the market for over 25 years the FDA just banned Darvocet (Dextropropoxyphene) from the market, because it was found to cause fatal heart arythmias.

''On November 19, 2010 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration asked manufacturers of products containing dextropropoxyphene to withdraw them from sale.[5] New clinical data showing that the drug puts patients at risk for potentially serious or even fatal heart rhythm abnormalities prompted regulators to act. An estimated 10 million patients have used these products. Now, patients in the United States must return to their doctors and find different medications.''

Man it took the FDA over TWENTY FIVE YEARS! To figure out that this stuff kills people! It just goes to show you that the FDA drug approvals cannot be fully trusted. It makes me wonder if the FDA will one day pull Finasteride from the market in light of the recent concerns that Finasteride may cause High grade Malignant Tumors in the prostate, among other various reported side effects.

It didnt take them 25 years, im sure they knew well before then, remember it costs LOTS Of money to get things approved and drug companies prefer to muddy the waters a little bit if profits are at stake.


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aussieavodart said:
yeah it's pretty scary

I'm thinking of giving up dutasteride and just going bald because I'm just getting too scared at what this drug might be doing to me in the long run. I just don't think it's worth the stress.

Why don't you just take finasteride or even .5 mg finasteride before you give up?


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I stopped dutasteride because I saw no point in inhibiting 5ar1 when it is 5ar2 that is the main cause of baldness. There is a possibility that some parts of our body need DHT. Finasteride sounded like a safer bet to me.

Your bones have 5ar in them, though I could not find what kind. Your brain has 5ar1. Inhibit that enough and you'll start thinking like a female.


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Nene said:
aussieavodart said:
yeah it's pretty scary

I'm thinking of giving up dutasteride and just going bald because I'm just getting too scared at what this drug might be doing to me in the long run. I just don't think it's worth the stress.

Why don't you just take finasteride or even .5 mg finasteride before you give up?

didn't seem to work for me

If i do go off dutasteride completely I'll go back to finasteride before throwing in the towel

somone uk

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CCS said:
Your bones have 5ar in them, though I could not find what kind. Your brain has 5ar1. Inhibit that enough and you'll start thinking like a female.

maybe we could give DHT to women and watch handbag and shoe sales plummet :whistle: :whistle: