Hi there my name is Brad I just turned 25 years old and want some opinions and advice based on dating with a hair system etc. I started losing my hair when I was 18 years old gradually getting worst over a period of time, by the time I was in my early twenties around 21-22 I literally lost most of my hair on top+crown area. With this I kept looking at solutions ranging from hair transplants to fibres, unfortunately I was told that my donor area is quite thin so a hair transplant wouldn't guarantee proper results. The reason for this post is that I have recently turned 25 and have decided on getting a hair system so would like advice and an insight on other wearers experiences when it comes to dating, I have a date for the first time in ages tomorrow and don't know whether or not I should confess to wearing a system or wait until things get more serious I guess the biggest fear I have is being rejected/humiliated if I finally choose to disclose.