DaveA's Story


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I'm currently 28 years old and still have a pretty thick head of hair all around. My problem is minor thinning in the back. People have noticed it but only when up close (like when I'm sitting down and they come up to me from behind and are literally looking right at the back of my head). The front was actually receding a bit and then stop and reversed itself. The front is near perfect again now and I'm not too concerned with it at the moment.

This started happening a little over 5 years ago. Those problems then - still very minor - were in the front. That's better and for the past 4 or 5 years the back has thinned. It's still not bad. I look at it and think: If that's the worst it's going to get, I'm fine with it. I noticed no hair falling out either and I honestly believe it hasn't gotten any worse in the past 4 years. But maybe I'm wrong. I really didn't monitor it much.

The whole reason I'm here now is because my wife and I are getting divorced (most likely). I just started thinking that maybe I should do something to clean up the back a little, since I may be dating again soon. I'm told I'm reasonably attractive and would like to keep it that way. I was thinking about some hair transplants in the back, since it wouldn't take many to thicken it up. Now that I found this forum, though, I'm thinking I may be better off going the Proscar/Minoxidil/Nizoral route to try and maintain existing hair and possibly thicken it up. Honestly, if it simply maintains what I have, I'll be perfectly happy. I don't mind the expense - I realize it may take a year to see any possible gain.

Finally, there is some hair loss in my family. My father died with a full head of hair in his late 40's, but there's some from my Mom's side. Her father had a full head, but all of her brothers have receding hair lines. It's funny because I look at them and think: If I got to that point, I still wouldn't mind so much. And it's true. My uncles have some loss in the back and recedes in the front, but they're really not that extreme in my opinion. My older brother shaves his head but several months ago he started to grow it back and noticed he had some receding going on as well. He has since shaved it again.

I honestly am surprised I've come to this point already, because I'm still under the impression it's not much of a problem. But you guys have steered me a bit, since most of you seem to believe you can get the best results by attacking the problem early.

Any suggestions or thoughts? I made an appointment with my doctor for next Friday and I'm reasonably confident he would give me a proscar prescription. I'm really not comfortable getting it overseas.


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Hey guys.

Well, I went to my doctor today. He went over all the options, all of which I knew about from visiting here. He actually thought transplants were ideal, since it's a perm. solution. But he agreed that I may have to revisit transplants in the future if I lose additional hair. He seems to be under the belief that proscar is going to give me some peach fuzz at best. But what I tried to explained to him is that peach fuzz is essentially what I have now - that there's no real bald spot in the back; just thinning. He did acknowledge that he has some patients that swear by Proscar. And that's ultimately what I decided to go with for now. I'm ultimately okay with my hair as it is now. It could be better, but it's not 'THAT' bad. He gave me a prescription for 6 months. And the way I see it, if proscar doesn't do much for me, I can consider plugs in another year or two. But like I said, if proscar simply keeps me where I'm at, I'll be happy with it.

My concern is that he told me not to cut the pill. Take the whole 5 mg every day. I told him I read about people cutting the pill into 4 or 5, and he said: "No, you don't want to do that." What do you guys think about that? This prescription is absolutely for proscar - not the other one. Is taking the whole 5 mg just a waste? Or could it potentially hurt me? He's been my doctor for a while and I trust him.

Finally, do you guys think I should add rogaine and nizoral to the mix? Or should I just stay with proscar? Whatever I do, I plan on doing it for at least a year before making any consideration on plugs.



Experienced Member
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there is no reason to take the 5mg, its basically just as effective at the 1mg dosage. how do we know? the pill designed specifically for hairloss (propecia) is the 1mg form of proscar. your side effects are less, and your results are the same. unfortunately your doctor may not be completely knowledgable about the subject of hair loss, but that's not really new news; they are usually more concerned with life threatening stuff then dudes in their 20s pissed about losing some hair. the good news is, your insurance may pay for the proscar, if so, just keep cutting it up and taking it.


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I just checked and my insurance does cover it! Yeah. A 90 day supply (90 tablets) will cost me $50 if I use the mail order pharmacy, which includes free shipping. So I'll drop it in the mail tomorrow and should have it back within 10 days. Very cool. If I cut the tablets in 3 then my 90 day supply could last me 9 months, and my current prescription could last me 18 months - for $100!!!

I guess the next question is do I still get another prescription from my doctor in 6 months, even though I'll still have tablets? I guess I could then start to stockpile them so I can have a few years worth. What's the shelf life on these drugs? Or do I just wait 18 months and go back to my doctor for another prescription, though I imagine he may ask me when I stopped for a whole year.


Senior Member
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DaveA, Minoxidil is a good growth stimulant and could add thickness but you have to weigh that against fitting in applying it to your scalp 2 X a day.

Nizoral is always a good addition, using a conditioner after. :p