dealing with hair loss


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I'm a new member here, but I've been reading a lot of posts about guys feeling depressed, never leaving their homes, and thinking that they'll never find a girl now. And I don't mean to make light of anyone's problems here, but you've got to realize there are many worse things in life then losing your hair. Get outside, enjoy yourself, see your friends, meet girls, etc. Hair loss sucks, but it isn't the end of the world entirely.

Think I'm being an over optimistic prick? Think of this: I cut my hand open on a broken bottle a couple of weeks ago and severed an important nerve in my hand. I will NEVER regain full movement or feeling in my hand. And it's my left-hand and I'm left-handed.

So, yes, hair loss sucks. I understand that. But don't sit at home feeling sorry for yourself forever. I'm balding AND possibly down to one hand at the age of 24, but I refuse to let that not let me live my life to its fullest.

I'm not trying to guilt people here, but hopefully it will give you some perspective --- chins up and good luck!


Dude, sorry about your hand. I'd like to add that I was born with 4 fingers on my right hand (naturally I'm lefthanded now :) ), so I know what it means to have that sort of a deficiency.