Decided to get on Propecia, app. in three weeks.....sooner?


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I decided to make an appointment with my general physician about Propecia....problem is the soonest they could get me in is in two and a half weeks. Is this too long a wait? I am in the beginning stages of thinning and don't want to lose anymore.
I heard that Dermatologists are also knowledgable with hairloss..should I make an appointment with one if it can be earlier?


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sooner is always better.

nuff said.


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Thanks for the info., a few more things....

I have asked before about side effects besides sexual decrease in 2% of men. I was told to look at FAQ, but nothing was really on there. I have searched this site and the propecia site for more info, and just found the sexual side effects and a general "anyone else who experienced side effects got off it in a month".
It seems like many, if not most, of the users on here have had side effects. What were they? Cramps? Nausea? Aching?


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Most common sexual sides include watery semen, decreased sex drive, and erection difficulties.

Some people have a rapid weight gain. Some people get gyno (female-like breasts).

Take Propecia. If you don't notice anything, keep taking it. If you get sides, try and see them through for a couple months. If they don't go away, then you can simply stop taking finasteride, and things should return to normal. If you notice swelling of the breasts, go to the doctor asap. They have blood tests and what not.


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Is there really anyone who doesn't have these side effects? It seems like they are faily common instead of being a low percentage.

So I am thinking of contacting another doctor besides waiting three weeks for my doctor. is a dermatologist the route to go?


my derm took 3 and 1/2 weeks to get me in, and he was a shithead. I experienced the labido decrease in the first month, rode it out, and now i am fine in that area. I suggest tryin the Propecia and see how it goes cuz its one of our best choices as of now


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Yes most derms are freakin idiots when it comes to male pattern baldness. You can learn much more about the ways to fight it by reading through this forum for a day then your average derm could tell you. Sad but true.


Re: hhmmm

GhostInTheShell said:
Is there really anyone who doesn't have these side effects? It seems like they are faily common instead of being a low percentage.

GhostInTheShell the side effects are pretty much as stated, 2%.

Of these 2% most will have side effects that are not serious and will subside with continued use.

Around 0.8% will have some level of Gynaecomastia, of these some will never notice it.

This forum is primarally for people who are concerned about hair loss. thoses who's treatments have been successful and have no problems will probably not post to say so.

If you sit around in a doctors waiting room long enough you may come to the conclusion that everyone is sick, this is obvioulsy not the case, it's just that the people who are not sick tend not to hang around in the doctors waiting room.

I have used finasteride (propecia) for 15 months with no noticable side effects, there are many other, infact around 98 people in 100 are side effect free.


ShedMaster said:
Yes most derms are freakin idiots when it comes to male pattern baldness. You can learn much more about the ways to fight it by reading through this forum for a day then your average derm could tell you. Sad but true.

Amen! Mr master, Amen!


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yup, listen to tynan. Users with side effects are below 2%. I haven't had any.

The ones who cry about side effects are the ones who are looking for them. And chances are that their 'side effects' were always there, but now they notice them because they are paying attention as a result of using propecia.

The ones who notice 'side effects' are the ones who probably stay home from work because of a headache or a stuffy nose and are always in doctors offices because of slight pain, etc, and the ones who always take medication when they don't need it (you know the type of person I mean, we all know someone like that)

you should be safe using it, considering your chances of side effects are less than 2 in 100 people.