Decreased side effects on finasteride?


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Has anyone here who was noticing side effects at 1/1.25 mg dose of finasteride see any improvments by reducing dosage down to .5mg?

I've read a bunch of posts of people who've done this, but no updates on their current status yet...


Established Member
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BDD said:
Has anyone here who was noticing side effects at 1/1.25 mg dose of finasteride see any improvments by reducing dosage down to .5mg?

I've read a bunch of posts of people who've done this, but no updates on their current status yet...

I know of someone on this board who PMed me that he had lots of sides on 1.25. I reminded him (and most people forget this) that he is taking 25% more then the recommended amount. I told him to swtich to 1mg, and he told me it did remove most of his sides but he was scared that 1.25 was more effective then 1mg and didn't want to reduce. I am hoping he listened to me that it makes no difference in efficacy on the quantity of dht blocked.