Definite decrease in sex drive/libido after propecia!


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Hey all,
I just started propecia a little under 2 weeks ago and definitely notice decrease in libido and my "tool" awareness. I know many people will say that its way too early or impossible for the medicine to have an effect so quicky, but all kidding aside, i am no nut and definitely notice a decrease in the urge for sex and other effects. Anyone else get these sides, and have they gone away. I am seriously thinking to stop this RX b/c my tool is way more imporant!

Thanx in advance,


Experienced Member
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Actually, for the loss of libido thing, 2 weeks sounds about right. I think I experienced it around the same time after starting propecia. I think it is a good thing. Propecia has halted my hair loss to a great degree. Ride it out, my friend. Mine only lasted about 3-4 days.


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Thanx guys for the comments...good to know im reacting "normal".

Best of luck, look forward to giving advice as well



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It takes a few weeks for your hormones to balance themselves out after starting finasteride.


Two weeks is about right. In my experience it was after the two weeks that I was like a rampant serial f****r. But now after six months and only in the last week or so I have noticed my sex drive going down a bit. I hope it's not a long term thing.


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damn, i never had any decrease in my sex drive. in fact, it seems like i have been having increasingly better sex ever since i started taking propecia back in may. maybe thats why im still losing my hair though... :(


ssjrexboi said:
damn, i never had any decrease in my sex drive. in fact, it seems like i have been having increasingly better sex ever since i started taking propecia back in may. maybe thats why im still losing my hair though... :(

I think it's because I have been tired. I still get rock solid so I guess it's the tiredness and not the finasteride. I bloody hope so at least!!

Bone Daddy

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I've been on 7 days or so, and i've already got nut ache, and a signifigant loss in sex drive. I have a sex romp this weekend and i dont know whether to stop for a few days until it. My libido is slooooowly getting there again though. I know im not shedding at all though. So I guess I'm a good responder. But I do'nt wanna be less than the best this weekend.

what to do? :freaked:


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Dimebolt3000 said:
Hey all,
I just started propecia a little under 2 weeks ago and definitely notice decrease in libido and my "tool" awareness. I know many people will say that its way too early or impossible for the medicine to have an effect so quicky, but all kidding aside, i am no nut and definitely notice a decrease in the urge for sex and other effects. Anyone else get these sides, and have they gone away. I am seriously thinking to stop this RX b/c my tool is way more imporant!

Thanx in advance,

I think alot of the time its people thinking it about it to much and almost putting pressure on themselves to be horny or something. Seriously if people didnt know that loss of libido was a possible side effect i dont think as many would even notice.

I have been on for about two weeks now too and everything is still normal for me.


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nice responses, Mgotell tho...

Im sure you may think thats it, but seriously, i have no pressure knowing im on finasteride. Its just a fact that it is decreasing my libido, i bang regularly b/c im 23 years old (or at least i think thats why, lol) and can definitely notice less urge for sex and harder keepin it up.

Does .5mg of finasteride work for some people? Im thinking of trying that and seeing my results. Any advice?

Greatly appreciated,


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Dimebolt3000 said:
nice responses, Mgotell tho...

Im sure you may think thats it, but seriously, i have no pressure knowing im on finasteride. Its just a fact that it is decreasing my libido, i bang regularly b/c im 23 years old (or at least i think thats why, lol) and can definitely notice less urge for sex and harder keepin it up.

Does .5mg of finasteride work for some people? Im thinking of trying that and seeing my results. Any advice?

Greatly appreciated,

i'm 22 me and the gf bang daily, so maybe i just didnt get that side effect, my statement was in general, just some food for thought. Another thing though, i have always taken a multivitamin, i have been using ultra vita-man from vitaminworld for about a year now. Jumping on a good mulit vitamin may help. Otherwise maybe grab some enzyte its designed to increase libido and extend the amount of time you can stay hard if i understand correctly. Dunno if the stuff really works though.