I was walking in the park the other day and ran into a friend of mine that looked very
, so I walked over to her and noticed that she had been :cry:. I offered her a :smoke: and asked her what was wrong. She began telling me how her :hairy: boyfriend had been cheating on her with another woman for 6 months now. This 8O me because I had talked to her :hairy: boyfriend a quite a few times over the past few months and he never even hinted at the fact he was cheating. Her :hairy: boyfriend said that he did not find her attractive anymore, which was why he was seeing another woman for the past 6 months. This guy was :freaked: mad, she was very attractive and had done some modeling a few years back to pay her way through college. I :roll: and began :laugh: at the fact that he did not find her attractive anymore and told her that he was crazy.
Trying to bring a
back to her face I invited her out to a local jazz club for dinner, she eagerly jumped at the invitation and we walked six blocks to the club. Upon entering the club we were :freaked2: to find out that B.B. King was on stage playing and very few people were in the restaurant. As it turns out he had come there to eat dinner and the manager, a close friend of his, had coaxed him into playing a few songs with the house band. After :rockon: for 15 minutes B.B. King left the restaurant and we ordered out dinner. During dinner she was telling how :evil: her :hairy: boyfriend was for cheating on her and how it made her feel so :twisted: that she wanted to go and throw all his stuff out on the street. I told her that was bad idea and she should just act civil around this and to just cut him out of her life and move on. We continued talking and she started
a lot more and at one point began :lol: at how upset she was over this whole thing.
After eating we decided that since it was such a pleasant night that we would walked around the city for awhile. There was a full :moon: out that night and as time passed on it began getting cooler so we decided it was time to end our night. We were conveniently in her neighborhood so I walked her to the building where her apartment was. She thanked me for being their for her and gave me a hug and said she :love: spending time with me and invited me lunch the following day, which I agreed to. I watched as the doorman welcomed her home and opened the swinging door, letting her into the building. As soon as she was inside I reached into my pocket for a :smoke: and begin to cross the street to get a cab. On my third step on the street a speeding car came from my left and hit me. I began flying through the air like a football on a field goal attempt, all the while thinking of stop, drop, and role. After my catching a good 15 yards of air time and at least 20 yards of role I came to rest in front of an advertisement for Rogaine Extra Strength. Since dying on that night with the :moon: I have began haunting hair loss sites on the internet. :lol: